Charles R. Goldman (U.S.A.)


Charles R. Goldman, U.S.A. :

Professor Charles R. Goldman
Environmental Science & Policy University of California Davis, California 95616


B.A. (Geology), 1952, University of Illinois      M.S. (Zoology), 1955, University of Illinois      Ph.D. (Limnology-Fisheries), 1958, University of Michigan

Experience record

45 years of research and teaching including the following:

1971-      Distinguished Professor of Limnology and Chairman (1987-92), Division of  Environmental Studies and Department of Environmental Science and Policy;

Research Limnologist and Director of Tahoe Research Group,

John Muir Institute of the Environment, University of California, Davis

1959-     Over 1000 presentations to scientific societies, government agencies and NGOs

1966-69  Director, Institute of Ecology, University of California, Davis

1966-71  Professor of Zoology (Limnologist) University of California, Davis

1964-66  Assoc. Professor of Zoology, University of California, Davis

1960-63  Asst. Professor of Zoology, University of California, Davis

1958-60  Instructor, University of California, Davis

1957-58  Fishery Research Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska

1954-55 Asst. Aquatic Biologist, State Natural History Survey, Illinois

1952-54  1st Lt., U.S.A.F., Far Eastern Command (Retired Captain, U.S.A.F.)


Honors and Awards

Guggenheim Fellow, 1965

American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow),1963-present

Goldman Glacier in Antarctica named by U.S. Board on Geographic Names, 1967

Antarctic Service Medal awarded by Congress, 1968

California Academy of Science (Fellow), elected 1969

Plenary Lecture, SIL Congress, Kyoto, Japan, 1980

Elected SIL national representative, 1983-1998

Distinguished Fulbright Professorship, 1985

Abrahamsson Memorial Lecture, International Association of Astacology, 1989

R.A. Vollenweider Lecturer in Aquatic Sciences, Canadian NWRI, 1989

Senior Scientist for National Geographic Lake Baikal expedition, 1990

Culver Academies Man-of-Year Award and Chevron Conservation Award, 1991

Earle A. Chiles Award, 1992

Research Lecturer, University of California, Davis, 1993

Distinguished Public Service Award, University of California, Davis, 1993

Elected Vice President, Internat. Soc. Theoretical & Applied Limnology (SIL), 1992-98

Presented research activities to President Clinton & Vice President Gore aboard UCD-Tahoe   Research Group research vessel, 1997

Baldi Lecture (keynote address), SIL triennial Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 1998

Laureate, 1998 Albert Einstein World Award of Science

Inaugural Distinguished Graduate Student Mentoring Award, UC Davis, 2002

Appointed President, World Water and Climate Network (WWCN), 2003 Nevada Medal, presented by the Governor of the State of Nevada, 2003

Alfred C. Redfield Lifetime Achievement Award, ASLO, 2004
Major Professor to 97 graduate students and sponsor of 32 postdoctoral scientists.
Professor Charles R. Goldman’s experimental limnology career was established in Ecological Monographs in 1960 with publication of his doctoral work on three Alaska Peninsula lakes. He was a pioneer in using 14Carbon to measure primary productivity and developed this isotope technology for detecting nutrient factors limiting algal growth in low-fertility environments. The 14Carbon method first developed in 1952 by the Danish botanist-oceanographer E. Steemann Nielsen was nearly impossible to calibrate because of problems of self-absorption and backscatter. Prof. Goldman developed a new gas-phase methodology to calibrate the method and establish reliable measurements. This resulted in earlier marine measurements being corrected by approximately 50%. A Science paper on molybdenum provided the very first evidence of a trace element limiting algal growth in a lake. Another important paper in Ecology demonstrated that the fertility of California’s Castle Lake was largely controlled by nitrogen derived from nitrogen-fixing alder trees and that molybdenum was critical both for nitrogen fixation by the alders and for production of nitrate reductase essential for the algae to utilize the nitrate. This alder-leaf fertilization was first demonstrated in microcosm experiments and effectively tied the watershed and its vegetation to the lake’s dynamics. A few years later, molybdenum’s role was conclusively demonstrated in a whole-lake fertilization experiment. Prof. Goldman studied coastal lakes in Antarctica, where he discovered that maximum photosynthesis during the austral summer was achieved with only 20% of the available ambient light. This extreme photoinhibition and injury were reported in Limnology and Oceanography. In recent years, photoinhibition of photosynthesis has been an increasingly important research topic, highlighted by the contributing effects of UV-B and the ozone hole. As Director of the Institute of Ecology at UC Davis, he investigated the then-primitive forest practices in California; results of the study led to their eventual revision. During the 45-year period of research on Lake Tahoe, he documented the early onset of eutrophication and the progressive change from a classically nitrogen-limited lake to a phosphorussensitive one, largely due to loading of atmospheric nitrogen compounds to the lake. The Tahoe work showed the essential importance of physical forcing to interannual variation in primary productivity, which was driven by storm-induced deep mixing events. He also demonstrated the dominant effects of El Nino years on Castle Lake and Lake Tahoe. A number of studies in New Guinea, Africa, Central America and South America were instrumental in preventing inadvisable or reckless dam projects. Overall, perhaps the most important aspect of Prof. Goldman’s research is the long-term Lake Tahoe ecosystem study on the early stages of eutrophication that has made it possible for governmental regulatory agencies to utilize science-based decision-making for the conservation of Lake Tahoe as well as other threatened lakes. The work was prominently cited when he was presented with the 1998 Albert Einstein World Award of Science. The Einstein Award, bestowed annually to a single individual by a council of eminent scientists that includes 25 Nobel laureates, recognizes those who have accomplished scientific and technological achievements that have advanced scientific understanding and benefited humanity. He was awarded the Nevada Medal in 2003 and was honored by a joint Resolution of the California State Assembly in 2004. After attending the World Water Forum III in Kyoto, Japan, he agreed to serve as President of the World Water and Climate Network (WWCN), which held its inaugural meeting in Finland in August 2004. This year Prof. Goldman also received the Alfred C. Redfield Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, “for his enduring efforts to understand and protect Lake Tahoe, his inspiring mentorship of numerous students who have made lasting scientific contributions, and for his tireless advocacy for limnological research, training and stewardship worldwide.”

1. Goldman, C.R. and J. Bardach.  1956.  Fish anatomy.  Bermuda Fishing Quarterly 1(1):2.
2. Lagler, K.F. and C.R. Goldman.  1959.  Fishes and sport fishing in Isle Royale National Park.   Publ.  by the Isle Royale Natural History Assoc. in coop. with Isle Royale National Park, 46 p.
3. Goldman, C.R.  1960.  Primary productivity and limiting factors in three lakes of the Alaska  Peninsula.  Ecol. Monogr. 30:207-230.
4. Goldman, C.R.  1960.  Molybdenum as a factor limiting primary productivity in Castle Lake,  California.  Science 132:1016-1017.
5. Goldman, C.R.  1961.  The contribution of alder trees (Alnus tenuifolia) to the primary  productivity of Castle Lake, California.  Ecology 42:282-288.
6. Goldman, C.R.  1961.  A study of primary productivity, chlorophyll, seston and light under ice in  Castle Lake, California.  Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer. 42:61.
7. Goldman, C.R.  1961.  Primary productivity and limiting factors in Brooks Lake, Alaska.  Verh.  Internat. Verein. Limnol. 14:120-124.
8. Goldman, C.R.  1961.  Primary productivity in cirque lakes of the Klamath Mountains.  Bull.  Ecol.  Soc. Amer. 41:141.  (Abstract)
9. Goldman, C.R. and D.T. Mason.  1962.  Inorganic precipitation of carbon in productivity  experiments utilizing Carbon 14.  Science 136:1049-1050.
10. Goldman, C.R.  1962.  Primary productivity and micro-nutrient limiting factors in some North  American and New Zealand lakes.  Proc., 15th Internat. Congress of Limnology.  (Abstract)
11. Goldman, C.R.  1962.  A method of studying nutrient limiting factors in situ in water columns  isolated by polyethylene film.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 7:99-101.
12. Goldman, C.R. and D.T. Mason.  1963.  Photosynthetic response to changes in light and  temperature in Antarctic freshwater phytoplankton.  Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer. 44:39.  (Abstract)
13. Goldman, C.R., D.T. Mason and J.E. Hobbie.  1963.  Light penetration and biology of two  Antarctic dry valley lakes.  Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer. 44:39.  (Abstract)
14. Goldman, C.R.  1963.  The measurement of primary productivity and limiting factors in  freshwater with Carbon-14, p. 103-113.  In: M.S. Doty (ed.), Proc., Conf. on Primary  Productivity Measurement, Marine and Freshwater.  U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report  No. TID-7633.
15. Goldman, C.R. and R.G. Wetzel.  1963.  A study of the primary productivity of Clear Lake, Lake  County, California.  Ecology 44:283-294.
16. Goldman, C.R., D.T. Mason and B.J.B. Wood.  1963.  Light injury and inhibition in Antarctic  freshwater phytoplankton.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 8:313-322.
17. Goldman, C.R.  1963.  Primary productivity measurements in Lake Tahoe, Appendix I, p. 154 163.   In Comprehensive Study on Protection of Lake Tahoe Basin.  Engineering Science, Inc.   163 p.
18. Goldman, C.R.  1963.  Contributor in:  W.T. Edmondson, Pacific Coast and Great Basin, p. 384 385.  In D. Frey (ed.), Limnology in North America. Univ. Wisconsin Press.
19. Goldman, C.R.  1963.  A rapid field technique for determining micronutrient limiting factors in  freshwater with notes on the use of gas phase in calibration of C-14 productivity experiments.   Abstracts, Symp. New Methods of Determining Biogenic and Organic Substances in Water and  Organisms.  Czech. Acad. Sci.  (Abstract)
20. Bachmann, R.W. and C.R. Goldman.  1964.  The determination of microgram quantities of  molybdenum in natural waters.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 9:143-146.
21. Goldman, C.R.  1964.  Primary productivity studies in Antarctic lakes, p. 291-299.  In R. Carrick,  M.W. Holdgate, and J. Prevost (eds.), Antarctic Biology.  Special Committee for Antarctic Res.  Symp.  Editions Hermann, Paris.
22. Goldman, C.R.  1964.  Primary productivity and micro-nutrient limiting factors in some North  American and New Zealand lakes.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 15:365-374.
23. Goldman, C.R.  1964.  Integration of field and laboratory experiments in productivity studies, p.  18.  In Proc., Conf. on Estuaries, Jekyll Island, GA.  (Abstract)
24. Goldman, C.R. and R.C. Carter.  1964.  A rapid C-14 bioassay technique for evaluating the effect  of pollution on Lake Tahoe.  California Water Poll. Control Federation.  (Abstract)
25. Goldman, C.R.  1964.  Some experimental approaches to the ecology of freshwater  phytoplankton, p. 243.  Proc., 10th Internat. Botanical Congress, Experimental Ecology.
26. Goldman, C.R.  1964.  A discussion of Photosynthetic Oxygenation of a Polluted Estuary by  C.H.J. Hull.  Advances in Water Pollution Res. 3:386-390.
27. Goldman, C.R.  1964.  Discussion:  Plant systems as long term flight nourishment sources, p. 311-315.  In Conf. on Nutrition in Space and Related Waste Problems.  National Aeronautics and Space Admin. Report No. SP-70.
28. Goldman, C.R. and R.C. Carter.  1965.  An investigation by rapid Carbon-14 bioassay of factors affecting the cultural eutrophication of Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  J. Water Pollution Control Federation 37:1044-1059.
29. Bachmann, R.W. and C.R. Goldman.  1965.  Hypolimnetic heating in Castle Lake, California.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 10:233-239.
30. Goldman, C.R.  1965.  Experimental ecology.  Conf. report on 10th Internat. Botanical Congress.  Internat. J. Biometeorology 9:81-83.
31. Goldman, C.R.  1965.  An invited discussion of Pollution Phases of Lake Bled by Professor J. Sketelj and Dr. Marjan Rejic for the Second Internat. Conf. on Water Pollution Res.  In O. Jaag (ed.), Advances in Water Pollution Res. 1:363-366.  Pergamon Press.
32. Goldman, C.R.  1965.  Micronutrient limiting factors and their detection in natural phytoplankton populations.  Supplement, p. 121-135.  In Proc., IBP Symp. on Primary Productivity in Aquatic Environments, Pallanza, Italy.  Memorie dell’Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia 18.
33. Goldman, C.R. (ed.).  1966.  Primary Productivity in Aquatic Environments.  Proc., Internat. Biological Programme Symp., Pallanza, Italy.  Univ. California Press, Berkeley, 464 p.
34. Goldman, C.R.  1966.  Contributor.  In C.H. Oppenheimer (ed.), Marine Biology II.  Proc., Second Internat. Interdisciplinary Conf., Princeton, NJ. New York Acad. Sci., NY.
35. Goldman, C.R.  1966.  Mineral nutrients in lake and river waters, p. 508-510.  In P.L. Altman and D.S. Dittmer (eds.), Environmental Biology.  Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
36. Goldman, C.R.  1967.  Integration of field and laboratory experiments in productivity studies, p. 346-352.  In G.H. Lauff (ed.), Estuaries.  Publ. 83, AAAS, Washington, D.C.  Horn-Shafer, Baltimore, MD.
37. Goldman, C.R., D.T. Mason and J.E. Hobbie.  1967.  Two Antarctic desert lakes.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 12:295-310.
38. Goldman, C.R.  1967.  The bad news from Lake Tahoe.  Cry California.  Winter 1967-68 3:12-23.
39. Goldman, C.R.  1967.  Molybdenum as an essential micronutrient and useful watermass marker in Castle Lake, California, p. 229-238.  In H.L. Golterman and R.S. Clymo (eds.), Chemical Environment in the Aquatic Habitat.  N.V. Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij, Amsterdam.
40. Goldman, C.R.  1967. (a) Summary and recommendations, p. 1-34.  (b) Effects of pesticides in California watersheds, p. 211-217.  (c) Reservoirs and lakes, p. 381-392.  In Man’s Effect on California Watersheds, a report for the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources, Planning and Public Works.  State of California.
41. Goldman, C.R.  1968.  Aquatic primary production.  American Zoologist 8:31-42.
42. Goldman, C.R.  1968.  The use of absolute activity for eliminating serious errors in the measurement of primary productivity with C-14.  J. du Conseil 32:172-179.
43. Goldman, C.R. and J. Court.  1968.  Limnological studies of Lake Tahoe.  In Geologic Studies, Guidebook of the Geological Society of Sacramento, 1968:60-66.
44. Goldman, C.R., M. Gerletti, P. Javornicky, U. Melchiorri-Santolini, E. de Amezaga.  1968.  Primary productivity, bacteria, phyto- and zooplankton in Lake Maggiore: Correlations and relationships with ecological factors.  Mem. dell’Istituto Italiano di Idrobiol. 23:49-127.
45. Goldman, C.R.  1968.  Vittorio Tonolli 1913-1967.  Internat. Revue des gesamten Hydrobiologie 53:807-808.
46. Goldman, C.R.  1968.  The C-14 bioassay technique for measuring algal growth in laboratory and field.  Contribution to the report to the Algal Growth Potential Task Force, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration.
47. Armstrong, R. and C.R. Goldman.  1969.  Determination of trace amounts of molybdenum, p. 116-124.  In American Society for Testing and Materials.  Special Technical Publ. No. 448.
48. Goldman, C.R.  1969.  Book Review.  Australian Freshwater Life: The Invertebrates of Australian Inland Waters by W.D. Williams.  Sun Books.  Science 164:540-541.
49. Goldman, C.R.  1969.  Book Review.  Australian Inland Waters and Their Fauna: Eleven Studies by A.H. Weatherly (ed.).  Australian Nat. Univ. Press.  Science 164:540-541.
50. Goldman, C.R., W.J. Oswald, and C.N. Sawyer.  1969.  Report of California Dept. of Water Resources, Middle Fork Eel River and Clear Lake Water Quality Advisory Board, resulting from meetings of August 29-30, 1968, Lakeport, CA.
51. Goldman, C.R.  1969.  Report to the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration on
limnological aspects of Clear Lake, California, with special reference to the proposed diversion of Eel River water through the lake.  Nutrient regeneration from the Clear Lake sediments and a recommendation for altering the regime.  U.S. Dept. of Interior, Federal Water Pollution Control Assoc., Southwest Region.  16 p.
52. Goldman, C.R.  1969.  Estudios Limnologicos Y Programa de Desarrollo Para el Rio Parana.  Food and Agricultural Organization, United Nations, Rome, Italy.  8 p.
53. Goldman, C.R.  1969.  Reduced flows and the future ecology of the Bay-Delta system.  A statement to the U.S. Congressional Hearings, August 21, 1969 and to the National Water Commission, Southwest Regional Conf., Oct. 1969, Los Angeles, CA.  10 p.  Also in Congressional Records 384-395.
54. Goldman, C.R.  1969.  Ecological problems of the Bay-Delta system associated with reduced flows.  Statement to the Assemblyman Milias Committee, California State Legislature.
55. Sanford, G. A. Sands, and C.R. Goldman.  1969.  A settle freeze method for concentrating phytoplankton in quantitative studies.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 14:790-794.
56. Goldman, C.R.  1969.  Contributor.  In R.A. Vollenweider (ed.), A Manual on Methods for Measuring Primary Production in Aquatic Environments.  IBP Handbook No. 12.  Blackwell Scientific Publications.
57. Goldman, C.R., D.T. Mason and J.E. Hobbie.  1969.  Variations in photosynthesis in two shallow Antarctic lakes.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 17:414-418.
58. Goldman, C.R. and R. Armstrong.  1969.  Primary productivity studies in Lake Tahoe, California.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 17:49-71.
59. Moshiri, G.A. and C.R. Goldman.  1969.  Estimation of assimilation efficiency in the crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana) (Crustacea: Decapoda).  Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 66:298-306.
60. Goldman, C.R., M.G. Tunzi, and R. Armstrong.  1969.  C-14 uptake as a sensitive measure of the growth of algal cultures, p. 158-170.  In Proc., Eutrophication-Biostimulation Assessment Workshop, Berkeley, CA.  Limnological Investigations Session.
61. Abrahamsson, S.A. and C.R. Goldman.  1970.  The distribution, density and production of the crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana) in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Oikos 21:83-91.
62. Moshiri, G.A., C.R. Goldman, G.L. Godshalk and D.R. Mull.  1970.  The effects of variations in oxygen tension on certain aspects of respiratory metabolism in Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana) (Crustacea: Decapoda).  Physiological Zoology 43:23-29.
63. Goldman, C.R.  1970.  Review and summary “Freshwater Ecosystems” section, p. 181-184.  In Polar Research: A Survey.  Nat. Acad. Sci.  Washington, D.C.
64. Goldman, C.R.  1970.  Antarctic freshwater ecosystems, vol. 2, p. 609-626.  In M.W. Holdgate (ed.), Antarctic Ecology.  Scientific Comm. on Antarctic Research.  Academic Press.
65. Richerson, P.J., R. Armstrong and C.R. Goldman.  1970.  Contemporaneous disequilibrium, a new hypothesis to explain the “paradox of the plankton.”  Proc., Nat. Acad. Sci.   67(4):1710-1714.
66. Goldman, C.R.  1970.  Is the canary dying?  The time has come for man, miner of the world’s resources, to surface.  California Medicine 113:21-26.
67. Goldman, C.R.  1970.  Taconite tailings as a biostimulant for algal growth in Lake Superior.
Included in Aug. 1970 Proc., Conf. on the Matter of Pollution of Lake Superior and its Tributary Bases; Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan.  FWQA, U.S. GPO.
68. Goldman, C.R.  1970.  Models for environmental salvation or disaster, p. 14-16.  Culver Alumnus, Autumn 1970.
69. Goldman, C.R.  1970.  Photosynthetic efficiency and diversity of a natural phytoplankton population in Castle Lake, California, p. 507-517.  In Prediction and Measurement of Photosynthetic Productivity.  Proc., IBP/PP Technical Meeting, Trebon, Czechoslovakia.
70. Moshiri, G.A., C.R. Goldman, D.R. Mull, G.L. Godshalk and J.A. Coil.  1971.  Respiratory metabolism in Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana) (Crustacea: Decapoda) as related to its ecology.  Hydrobiologia 37(2):183-195.
71. Armstrong, R., C.R. Goldman and D.K. Fujita.  1971.  A rapid method for the estimation of the carbon content of seston and periphyton.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 16:137-139.
72. Goldman, C.R.  1971.  Reduced flows and the future ecology of the San Francisco Bay-Delta System, Vol. 8, p. 174-190.  In Proc., Symp. on Hydrobiology, Miami Beach, FL.
73. Horne, A.J., P. Javornicky, and C.R. Goldman.  1971.  A freshwater “red tide” on Clear Lake, California.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 16:684-689.
74. Goldman, C.R.  1971.  Biological implications of reduced freshwater flows on the San Francisco Bay-Delta system, p. 107-124.  In D. Seckler (ed.), California Water, U.C. Press, Berkeley.
75. Goldman, C.R.  1972.  The role of minor nutrients in limiting the productivity of aquatic ecosystems, p. 21-23.  In G. Likens (ed.), Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. Special Symposia No. 1, Nutrients and Eutrophication.
76. Goldman, C.R., G. Moshiri and E. de Amezaga.  1972.  Synoptic study of accelerated eutrophication in Lake Tahoe — a subalpine lake, p. 1-21.  In R.S. Murphy and D. Nyquist (eds.), Water Pollution Control in Cold Climates.  FWQA (EPA) U.S. GPO No. 5501-0208.
77. Paerl, H. and C.R. Goldman.  1972.  Heterotrophic assays in the detection of water masses at Lake Tahoe, California.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 17:145-148.
78. Hyne, N.J., P. Chelminski, J. Court, D. Gorsline and C.R. Goldman.  1972.  Quaternary history of Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Geol. Soc. America Bull. 83:1435-1448.
79. Court, J., C.R. Goldman and N. Hyne.  1972.  Surface sediments in Lake Tahoe, CaliforniaNevada.  J. Sedimentary Petrology 42:359-377.
80. Goldman, C.R.  1972.  Environmental impact and water development.  J. American Water Works Assoc., Sept. 1972:545-549.
81. Kiefer, D., O. Holm-Hansen, C.R. Goldman, R. Richards, and T. Berman.  1972.  Phytoplankton in Lake Tahoe:  Deep living populations.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 17:418-422.
82. Horne, A. and C.R. Goldman.  1972.  Nitrogen fixation in Clear Lake, California.  I.  Seasonal variation and the role of heterocysts.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 17:678-692.
83. Horne, A., J.E. Dillard, D. Fujita and C.R. Goldman.  1972.  Nitrogen fixation in Clear Lake, California.  II.  Synoptic studies on the autumn Anabaena bloom.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 17:693-703.
84. Goldman, C.R., D.T. Mason and B.J.B. Wood.  1972.  Comparative study of the limnology of two small lakes on Ross Island, Antarctica, vol. 20, p.1-50.  In G.A. Llano (ed.), Antarctic
Terrestrial Biology, Antarctic Research Series.
85. Goldman, C.R. and R.L. Leonard.  1972.  The lake microcosm:  An ecosystem out of balance, p. 251-254. In Proc. Western Agricultural Econ. Assoc., Squaw Valley, CA.
86. Paerl, H.W. and C.R. Goldman.  1972.  Stimulation of heterotrophic and autotrophic activities of a planktonic microbial community by siltation at Lake Tahoe, California.  Memorie dell’ Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia 29, Suppl.:129-147.
87. Goldman, C.R., E.A. Stull and E. de Amezaga.  1973.  Vertical pattern of primary productivity in Castle Lake, California.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 18:1760-1767.
88. De Amezaga, E., C.R. Goldman and E.A. Stull.  1973.  Primary productivity and rate of change of biomass of various species of phytoplankton in Castle Lake, California.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 18:1768-1775.
89. Stull, E.A., E. de Amezaga and C.R. Goldman.  1973.  The contribution of individual species of algae to primary productivity of Castle Lake, California.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 18:1776-1783.
90. Goldman, C.R., J. McEvoy and P.J. Richerson, (eds.).  1973.  Environmental Quality and Water Development.  William H. Freeman.  510 p.
91. Goldman, C.R.  1973.  Environmental impact and water development, p. 1-11.  In Goldman, C.R., J. McEvoy and P. Richerson (eds.), Environmental Quality and Water Development, William H. Freeman.
92. Goldman, C.R.  1973.  Ecology and physiology of the California crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana) in relation to its suitability for introduction into European waters, p. 106-119.  In S. Abrahamsson (ed.), Freshwater Crayfish: Papers from the First Internat. Symp. on Freshwater Crayfish.
93. Smith, R. J. Tyler and C.R. Goldman.  1973.  Optical properties and color of Lake Tahoe and Crater Lake. Limnol. Oceanogr. 18:189-199.
94. Hyne, N.J., C.R. Goldman and J.E. Court.  1973.  Mounds in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada:  A model for landslide topography in the subaqueous environment.  J. Geology 81(2):176-188.
95. Goldman, C.R., R.C. Richards, H.W. Paerl, R.C. Wrigley, V.R. Overbeck and W.L. Quaide.  1973.  Aquatic studies and remote sensing of the Upper Truckee River sediment plume in Lake Tahoe.  NASA Technical Memorandum X-62, 238.  28 p.
96. Javornicky, P., D.K. Fujita and C.R. Goldman.  1973.  The influence of eutrophic lake sediments on the growth of different planktonic algae.  Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, Supplement band 41, Algological Studies 8:341-362.
97. Goldman, C.R.  1973.  Aquatic primary production, p. 89-95.  In E.N. Ziegler and J.R. Pfafflin (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering.
98. Goldman, C.R.  1973.  Will Baikal and Tahoe be saved?  Cry California.  Winter 1973-74 9(1):19-25.
99. Horne, A.J. and C.R. Goldman.  1974.  Suppression of nitrogen fixation by blue-green algae in a eutrophic lake with trace additions of copper.  Science 83:409-411.
100. Goldman, C.R.  1974.  Ecology and human health engineering, p. 17-23.  In P.L. White and D. Robbins (eds.), Environmental Quality and Food Supply.  Futura Publ. Co., New York.
101. Goldman, C.R., R.C. Richards, H.W. Paerl, R.C. Wrigley, V.R. Oberbeck and W.L. Quaide.  1974.  Limnological studies and remote sensing of the Upper Truckee River sediment plume in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Remote Sensing of Environment 3:49-67.
102. Jassby, A.D. and C.R. Goldman.  1974.  A quantitative measure of succession rate and its application to the phytoplankton of lakes.  The American Naturalist 108(963):688-693.
103. Jassby, A.D. and C.R. Goldman.  1974.  Loss rates from a lake phytoplankton community.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 19:618-627.
104. Goldman, C.R.  1974.  Eutrophication of Lake Tahoe emphasizing water quality.  EPA-660/3-74034.  U.S. GPO, Washington, D.C.  408 p.
105. Goldman, C.R. and E. de Amezaga.  1975.  Primary productivity in the littoral zone of Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, p. 49-62.  In Symp. on Limnology of Shallow Waters.  Biological Res. Inst., Hungarian Acad. Sci. No. 15.
106. Deamer, D.W., H. Paerl, C.R. Goldman and R. Leonard.  1975.  Tahoe’s troubled waters.  Natural History 84:60-67.
107. Goldman, C.R. and T. Cahill.  1975.  Danger signs for Tahoe’s future:  the continuing decline in air and water quality.  Cry California.  Spring 1975:30-35.
108. Paerl, H.W., R.C. Richards, R.L. Leonard and C.R. Goldman.  1975.  Seasonal nitrate cycling as evidence for complete vertical mixing in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada. Limnol. Oceanogr. 20:1-8.
109. Wurtsbaugh, W.A., R.W. Brocksen and C.R. Goldman.  1975.  Food and distribution of underyearling brook and rainbow trout in Castle Lake, California.  Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 104(1):88-95.
110. Richey, J.E., M.A. Perkins and C.R. Goldman.  1975.  Effects of kokanee salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) decomposition on the ecology of a subalpine stream.  J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 32:817-820.
111. Perkins, M.A., C.R. Goldman and R.L. Leonard.  1975.  Residual nutrient discharge in streamwaters influenced by sewage effluent spraying.  Ecology 56:453-460.
112. Flint, R.W. and C.R. Goldman.  1975.  Natural history and ecology of the crayfish in Lake Tahoe.  American Zoologist 15:793.
113. Goldman, C.R., N. Williams and A. Horne.  1975.  Prospects for micronutrient control of algal populations, p. 97-105.  In P.L. Brezonik and J.L. Fox (eds.), Proc., Symp. on Water Quality Management through Biological Control. Univ. Florida, Gainesville, FL. No. ENV-07-1.
114. Flint, R.W. and C.R. Goldman.  1975.  The effects of a benthic grazer on the primary productivity of the littoral zone of Lake Tahoe.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 20:935-944.
115. Goldman, C.R. and E. de Amezaga.  1975.  Spatial and temporal changes in the primary productivity of Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada between 1959 and 1971.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 19:812-825.
116. Richards, R.C., C.R. Goldman, T.C. Frantz and R. Wickwire.  1975.  Where have all the Daphnia gone?  The decline of a major cladoceran in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 19:835-842.
117. Williams, N.J. and C.R. Goldman.  1975.  Succession rates in lake phytoplankton communities.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 19:808-811.
118. Tilzer, M.M., C.R. Goldman and E. de Amezaga.  1975.  The efficiency of photosynthetic light energy utilization by lake phytoplankton.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 19:800-807.
119. Paerl, H.W., R.D. Thomson and C.R. Goldman.  1975.  The ecological significance of detritus formation during a diatom bloom in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 19:826-834.
120. Holm-Hansen, O., C.R. Goldman, R. Richards and P.M. Williams.  1976.  Chemical and biological characteristics of a water column in Lake Tahoe.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 21:548-562.
121. Tilzer, M.M., C.R. Goldman, R.C. Richards and R.C. Wrigley.  1976.  Influence of sediment inflow on phytoplankton primary productivity in Lake Tahoe (California-Nevada).  Internat. Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie 61:169-182.
122. Goldman, C.R., J.C. Rundquist and R.W. Flint.  1976.  Ecological studies of the California crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, with emphasis on their growth from recycling waste products, p. 481-487.  In J.W. Avault, Jr. (ed.), Freshwater Crayfish II: Papers from the Second Internat. Symp. on Freshwater Crayfish.
123. Gersberg, R., K. Krohn, N. Peek and C.R. Goldman.  1976.  Denitrification studies with 13-N labeled nitrate.  Science 192:1229-1231.
124. Paerl, H.W., M.M. Tilzer and C.R. Goldman.  1976.  Chlorophyll a versus adenosine triphosphate as algal biomass indicators in lakes.  J. Phycology 12:242-246.
125. Goldman, C.R.  1976.  Ecological aspects of water impoundment in the tropics.  Revista de Biologia Tropical 24 (Suppl. 1):87-112.
126. Elder, J., K. Osborn and C.R. Goldman.  1976.  Iron transport in a Lake Tahoe tributary and its potential influence upon phytoplankton growth.  Water Res. 10:783-787.
127. Fleschner, M.D., C.C. Delwiche and C.R. Goldman.  1976.  Measuring rates of symbiotic nitrogen fixation by Alnus tenuifolia.  American J. Botany 63:(7):945-950.
128. Coats, R.N., R.L. Leonard and C.R. Goldman.  1976.  Nitrogen uptake and release in a forested watershed, Lake Tahoe basin, California.  Ecology 57:995-1004.
129. Tilzer, M.M., H.W. Paerl and C.R. Goldman.  1977.  Sustained viability of aphotic phytoplankton in Lake Tahoe (California-Nevada).  Limnol. Oceanogr. 22:84-91.
130. Flint, R.W. and C.R. Goldman. 1977. Crayfish growth in Lake Tahoe: Effects of habitat variation.  J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 34:155-159.
131. Richards, R.C. and C.R. Goldman.  1977.  Limnology of California’s high mountain lakes, p. 1-8.  In Symp. on the Management of High Mountain Lakes in California’s National Parks.  California Trout, Inc.
132. Kimmel, B.L., R.P. Axler and C.R. Goldman.  1977.  A closing replicate-sample sediment trap.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 22:768-772.
133. Goldman, C.R.  1977.  Introduction, p. 9-12.  In Marcus Selden Goldman, In Praise of Little Fishes.  David R. Godine, Boston. 150 p.
134. Kimmel, B.L. and C.R. Goldman.  1977.  Production, sedimentation, and accumulation of particulate carbon and nitrogen in a sheltered subalpine lake, p. 148-155.  In H.L. Golterman (ed.), Interactions Between Sediments and Freshwater.  Proc., SIL-UNESCO Symp. on Interactions between Sediments and Freshwater.  Pudoc.-Junk, Wageningen.
135. Goldman, C.R.  1977.  Review.  Physiological Limnology: An Approach to the Physiology of Lake Ecosystems by H.L. Golterman.  Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 106(1):118.
136. Imboden, D.M., R.F. Weiss, H. Craig, R.L. Michel and C.R. Goldman.  1977.  Lake Tahoe geochemical study. I. Lake chemistry and tritium mixing study. Limnol. Oceanogr. 22:1039-1051.
137. Flint, R.W., R.C. Richards and C.R. Goldman.  1977.  Adaptation of styrofoam substrate to benthic algal productivity studies in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada. J. Phycology 13:407-409.
138. Goldman, C.R. and R.W. Hoffman.  1977.  Environmental aspects of the Purari River scheme, p. 325-341.  In J.H. Winslow (ed.), The Melanesian Environment.  Australian Nat. Univ. Press, Canberra.
139. Axler, R.P., R.M. Gersberg and C.R. Goldman.  1978.  The importance of regenerated ammonium for epilimnetic phytoplankton productivity in Castle Lake, California.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 41st annual meeting, Victoria, B.C.  (Abstract)
140. Roth, J.C. and C.R. Goldman.  1978.  Lake Tahoe zooplankton:  The more it changes, the more it stays the same.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 41st annual meeting, Victoria, B.C.  (Abstract)
141. Redfield, G.W. and C.R. Goldman.  1978.  Competition and population dynamics of the cladoceran Holopedium gibberum.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 41st annual meeting, Victoria, B.C.  (Abstract)
142. Gersberg, R.M., R.P. Axler and C.R. Goldman.  1978.  Mechanisms to explain the persistence of nitrate in the oxygen-depleted deep hypolimnion of Castle Lake, California.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 41st annual meeting, Victoria, B.C.  (Abstract)
143. Goldman, C.R., S.T. Threlkeld, M.D. Morgan and R.C. Richards.  1978.  A population dynamics analysis of the cladoceran disappearance from Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 41st annual meeting, Victoria, B.C.  (Abstract)
144. Goldman, C.R. and B.L. Kimmel.  1978.  Biological processes associated with suspended sediment and detritus in lakes and reservoirs, p. 19-44.  In J. Cairns, Jr., E.F. Benefield and J.R. Webster (eds.), Current Perspectives on River-Reservoir Ecosystems.  Proc., 25th Annual Meeting, North Amer. Benthol. Soc.
145. Goldman, C.R.  1978.  The use of natural phytoplankton populations in bioassay.  Mitt. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 21:364-377.
146. Gersberg, R.M., R.P. Axler, K. Krohn, N. Peek and C.R. Goldman.  1978.  Nitrate uptake by phytoplankton:  Measurements utilizing the radioisotope N-13.  Mitt. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 20:388-392.
147. Redfield, G.W. and C.R. Goldman.  1978.  Diel vertical migration and dynamics of zooplankton biomass in the epilimnion of Castle Lake, California.  Mitt. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 20:381-387.
148. Goldman, C.R.  1978.  Trophic status and nutrient loading for Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, p. 465-480.  In North American Project — A Study of U.S. Water Bodies.  EPA-600/3-77-086.
149. Goldman, C.R.  1978.  Ecological aspects of iceberg transport from Antarctic waters, p. 642-651.  In A.A. Husseiny (ed.), Iceberg Utilization.  Proc., First Internat. Conf., Ames, IA.
150. Kimmel, B.L., R.M. Gersberg, L.J. Paulson, R.P. Axler and C.R. Goldman.  1978.  Recent changes in the meromictic status of Big Soda Lake, Nevada.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 23:1021-1025.
151. Goldman, C.R. and J.C. Rundquist.  1978.  A comparative ecological study of the California crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana), from two subalpine lakes (Lake Tahoe and Lake Donner), p. 51-80.  In O.V. Lindqvist (ed.), Freshwater Crayfish III, Univ. Kuopio, Finland.
152. Rundquist, J., G. Gall, and C.R. Goldman.  1978.  Watercress-crayfish polyculture as an economic means of stripping nutrients from enriched waters, p. 141-159.  In O.V. Lindqvist (ed.), Freshwater Crayfish III, Univ. Kuopio, Finland.
153. Morgan, M.D., S.T. Threlkeld and C.R. Goldman.  1978.  Impact of the introduction of kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka) and opossum shrimp (Mysis relicta) on a subalpine lake.  J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 35:1572-1579.
154. Tilzer, M.M. and C.R. Goldman.  1978.  Importance of mixing, thermal stratification and light adaptation for phytoplankton productivity in Lake Tahoe (California-Nevada).  Ecology 59:810821.
155. Buckingham, K.W., S.W. Ela, J.G. Morris and C.R. Goldman.  1978.  Nutritive value of the nitrogen-fixing aquatic fern Azolla filiculoides.  Agricultural and Food Chemistry 26:1230-1234.
156. Paulson, L.J. and C.R. Goldman.  1978.  Acoustic estimation of the distribution and abundance of catchable brook and rainbow trout in Castle Lake, California, p. 19-31.  In J.R. Moring (ed.), Proc., Wild Trout–Catchable Trout Symp., Eugene, OR.
157. Goldman, C.R., M.D. Morgan, S.T. Threlkeld and N. Angeli.  1979.  A population dynamics analysis of the cladoceran disappearance from Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 24:289-297.
158. Goldman, C.R.  1979.  Man’s impact on the ecology of coastal and estuarine areas in the Pacific region, p. 19-29.  In Proc., Aquatic Environment in Pacific Region.  SCOPE/Academia Sinica, Taipei, Republic of China.
159. Threlkeld, S.T., R. Richards, P. Whitman and C.R. Goldman.  1979.  The recolonization of Lake Tahoe by Bosmina longirostris:  Predator, population growth and hydrodynamic considerations.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42nd annual meeting, Stony Brook, NY.  (Abstract)
160. Rybock, J.T. and C.R. Goldman.  1979.  Nocturnal predation by Mysis relicta Loven in Lake Tahoe.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42nd annual meeting, Stony Brook, NY.  (Abstract)
161. Loeb, S.L. and C.R. Goldman.  1979.  Primary productivity of the epilithic periphyton (Aufwuchs) community in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42nd annual meeting, Stony Brook, NY.  (Abstract)
162. Axler, R.P., R.M. Gersberg and C.R. Goldman.  1979.  The effect of molybdenum on nitrate uptake by phytoplankton in Castle Lake, California.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42nd annual meeting, Stony Brook, NY.  (Abstract)
163. Folt, C.L. and C.R. Goldman.  1979.  Changes in the ratio of living to detrital carbon in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42nd annual meeting, Stony Brook, NY.  (Abstract)
164. Shimizu, S.J. and C.R. Goldman.  1979.  Population dynamics and production estimates of the
California crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana), in the Sacramento River.  AIBS Special Symp. on Crayfish Ecology, Stillwater, OK.  (Abstract)
165. Rundquist, J.C. and C.R. Goldman.  1979.  Growth and food conversion efficiency of juvenile Pacifastacus leniusculus along a salinity gradient, p. 105-114.  In P.J. Laurent (ed.) Freshwater Crayfish IV, Thonon-les-Bains, France.
166. Loeb, S.L. and C.R. Goldman.  1979.  Water and nutrient transport via ground water from Ward Valley into Lake Tahoe.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 24:1146-1154.
167. Kellar, P.E. and C.R. Goldman.  1979.  A comparative study of nitrogen fixation by the Anabaena-Azolla symbiosis and free-living populations of Anabaena sp. in Lake Ngahewa, New Zealand.  Oecologia 43:269-281.
168. Myrup, L.O., T.M. Powell, D.A. Godden, and C.R. Goldman.  1979.  Climatological estimate of the average monthly energy and water budgets of Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Water Resources Res. 15:1499-1508.
169. Leonard, R.L., L.A. Kaplan, J.F. Elder, R.N. Coats and C.R. Goldman.  1979.  Nutrient transport in surface runoff from a subalpine watershed, Lake Tahoe basin, Calif.  Ecol. Monogr. 49(3):281-310.
170. Goldman, C.R.  1979.  Ecological aspects of water impoundment in the tropics.  Unasylva 31(123):2-11.
171. Vincent, W.F. and C.R. Goldman.  1980.  Evidence for algal heterotrophy in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 25:89-99.
172. Redfield, G.W. and C.R. Goldman.  1980.  Participation in evening ascent by the sexes and life history stages of limnetic copepod.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. winter meeting, Los Angeles, CA.  (Abstract)
173. Axler, R.P., R.M. Gersberg and C.R. Goldman.  1980.  Stimulation of nitrate uptake and photosynthesis by molybdenum in Castle Lake, California. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 37:707-712.
174. Priscu, J.C. and C.R. Goldman.  1980.  Changes in phytoplankton light response mechanisms upon the addition of nitrogen.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 43rd annual meeting, Knoxville, TN.  (Abstract)
175. Axler, R.P., R.M. Gersberg, and C.R. Goldman.  1980.  Inorganic nitrogen uptake in a subalpine lake.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 43rd annual meeting, Knoxville, TN.  (Abstract)
176. Carlton, R.G. and C.R. Goldman.  1980.  An analysis of chemical and biological effects of two massive die-offs of airborne insects on Castle Lake, California. Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 43rd annual meeting, Knoxville, TN.  (Abstract)
177. Loeb, S.L., M. Otto, J. Reuter and C.R. Goldman.  1980.  Community stability:  Its application to the periphyton community of lakes.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 43rd annual meeting, Knoxville, TN.  (Abstract)
178. Cooper, S.D. and C.R. Goldman. 1980. Opossum shrimp Mysis relicta predation on zooplankton.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 37:909-919.
179. Redfield, G.W. and C.R. Goldman.  1980.  Diel vertical migration by males, females, copepodids and nauplii in a limnetic population of Diaptomus (Copepoda).  Hydrobiologia 74:241-248.
180. Byron, E.R., P. Whitman and C.R. Goldman.  1980.  Aggregations of Diaptomus tyrrelli in Lake
Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. meeting, Seattle, WA.  (Abstract)
181. Carlton, R.G. and C.R. Goldman.  1980.  Factors affecting the temporal and vertical distribution of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in the hypolimnion of Castle Lake, California.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. meeting, Seattle, WA.  (Abstract)
182. Folt, C. and C.R. Goldman.  1980.  The effect of intra- and interspecific competitor density on the filtering rate of aquatic copepods.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. meeting, Seattle, WA.
183. Hoenicke, R. and C.R. Goldman.  1980.  Changes in the zooplankton community structure of Castle Lake, California caused by a severe fungal epidemic among Diaptomus novamexicanus.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. winter meeting, Seattle, WA.  (Abstract)
184. Reuter, J.E., S.L. Loeb and C.R. Goldman.  1980.  Nitrogen fixation in the periphyton community of oligotrophic lakes.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. winter meeting, Seattle, WA.  (Abstract)
185. Threlkeld, S.T., J.T. Rybock, M.D. Morgan, C.L. Folt and C.R. Goldman.  1980.  The effects of an introduced invertebrate predator and food resource variation on zooplankton dynamics in an ultraoligotrophic lake, p. 555-568.  In W.C. Kerfoot (ed.), Evolution and Ecology of Zooplankton Communities.  Special Symp. Volume 3, Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr., Univ. Press New England, NH.
186. Gersberg, R.M., R.P. Axler and C.R. Goldman.  1980.  Isotope studies of nitrogen transformations in Castle Lake, California, p. 75-85.  In Agrochemical Residue — Biota Interactions in Soil and Aquatic Ecosystems.  Internat. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna.
187. Neame, P.A. and C.R. Goldman.  1980.  Oxygen uptake and production in sediment-water microcosms, p. 267-278.  In J. Giesy (ed.), Microcosms in Ecological Research.  Department of Energy Ecological Symp. Series.  DOE TIC 78-1101.
188. Leonard, R.L., C.R. Goldman and G.E. Likens.  1981.  Some measurements of the pH and chemistry of precipitation at Davis and Lake Tahoe, California.  Water, Air and Soil Pollution 25:153-167.
189. Axler, R.P. and C.R. Goldman.  1981.  Isotope tracer methods for investigations of nitrogen deficiency in Castle Lake, California.  Water Res. 15:627-632.
190. Hoffman, R.W., C.R. Goldman, S. Paulson and G.R. Winters.  1981.  Aquatic impacts of deicing salts in the central Sierra Nevada mountains, California.  Water Resources Bull. 17(2):280-285.
191. Leonard, R.L. and C.R. Goldman.  1981.  Interagency Tahoe Monitoring Program:  First Annual Report.  Water Year 1980.  Tahoe Research Group, Inst. Ecology, Univ. California, Davis.  82 p.
192. Carlton, R.G. and C.R. Goldman.  1981.  The role of sediments in the nutrient dynamics of Castle Lake. Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 44th annual meeting, Milwaukee, WI.  (Abstract)
193. Folt, C.L., J.T. Rybock and C.R. Goldman.  1981.  The effect of prey density and species composition on predation rate and prey selectivity of Mysis relicta.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 44th annual meeting, Milwaukee, WI.  (Abstract)
194. Loeb, S.L., J.E. Reuter and C.R. Goldman. 1981. Nutrient loading: impact on the littoral zone of Lake Tahoe. Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 44th annual meeting, Milwaukee, WI. (Abstract)
195. Priscu, J.C. and C.R. Goldman.  1981.  The effect of temperature on phytoplankton productivity in Castle Lake.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 44th annual meeting, Milwaukee, WI.  (Abstract)
196. Reuter, J.E., S.L. Loeb and C.R. Goldman.  1981.  Whole lake experiment:  response of a nitrogen fixing periphyton community to an inorganic nitrogen enrichment.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 44th annual meeting, Milwaukee, WI.  (Abstract)
197. Axler, R.P., G.W. Redfield and C.R. Goldman.  1981.  The importance of regenerated nitrogen to phytoplankton productivity in a subalpine lake.  Ecology 62(2):345-354.
198. Axler, R.P. and C.R. Goldman.  1981.  Isotope tracer methods for investigations of nitrogen deficiency, p. 18-25.  In Isotope Tracer-Aided Studies of Agrochemical-Biota Interactions in Soil and Water.  IAEA TECDOC-247, Vienna, Austria.
199. Folt, C. and C.R. Goldman.  1981.  Allelopathy between zooplankton:  a mechanism for interference competition.  Science 213:1133-1135.
200. Goldman, C.R.  1981.  Lake Tahoe: two decades of change in a nitrogen deficient oligotrophic lake.  Plenary Lecture.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 21:45-70.
201. Morgan, M.D., C.R. Goldman and R.C. Richards.  1981.  Impact of introduced populations of Mysis relicta on zooplankton in oligotrophic subalpine lakes.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 21:339-345.
202. Axler, R.P., R.M. Gersberg and C.R. Goldman.  Jan. 1982.  Inorganic nitrogen assimilation in a subalpine lake.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 27:53-65.
203. Cooper, S.D. and C.R. Goldman.  1982.  Environmental factors affecting predation rates of Mysis relicta.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 39(1):203-208.
204. Goldman, C.R.  1982.  Contributor In Ecological Aspects of Development in the Humid Tropics.  Committee on Selected Biological Problems in the Humid Tropics, National Research Council.  National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 297 p.
205. Folt, C.L., J.T. Rybock and C.R. Goldman.  1982.  The effect of prey composition and abundance on the predation rate and selectivity of Mysis relicta, p. 133-143.  In  Mark D. Morgan (ed.), Ecology of Mysidacea.  Dr. W. Junk, The Hague.
206. Axler, R.P., C.R. Goldman, J.E. Reuter, S.L. Loeb, J.C. Priscu, R.G. Carlton.  1982.  A comparative study of the nitrogen metabolism of phytoplankton and periphyton in a sub-alpine lake, p. 315-318.  In Agrochemicals:  Fate in Food and the Environment.  Proc., IAEA/FAO Symp., Rome.
207. Goldman, C.R., R.L. Leonard, R.P. Axler, J.E. Reuter, and S.L. Loeb.  1982.  Interagency Tahoe Monitoring Program:  Second Annual Report.  Water Year 1981.  Tahoe Research Group, Inst. Ecology, Univ. California, Davis.  193 p.
208. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1982.  The recent history of Lake Tahoe.  EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union 63(45):965.  (Abstract)
209. Hoenicke, R. and C.R. Goldman.  1982.  Long-term temperature adaptation in Daphnia middendorffiana and the resulting effects on reproductive success.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr.  (Abstract)
210. Hoenicke, R. and C.R. Goldman.  1982.  Zooplankton survival strategies in a low-food environment.  EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union 63(45):939.  (Abstract)
211. Knud-Hansen, C.F. and C.R. Goldman.  1982.   Nutrient leaching and degradation of two terrestrial tree species in a tropical lake (Honduras, Central America).  Amer. Soc. Limnol.
Oceanogr. 45th annual meeting, Raleigh, NC.  (Abstract)
212. Priscu, J.C., R.P. Axler, R.G. Carlton, J.E. Reuter, P.A. Arneson, and C.R. Goldman.  1982.  Vertical profiles of primary productivity, biomass and physico-chemical properties in meromictic Big Soda Lake, Nevada, U.S.A.  Hydrobiologia 96:113-120.
213. Goldman, C.R. and A.J. Horne.  1983.  Limnology.  McGraw-Hill Inc., New York, N.Y.  464 p.
214. Priscu, J.C. and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  Seasonal dynamics of the deep-chlorophyll maximum in Castle Lake, California.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 40(2):208-214.
215. Zehr, J.P., R.P. Axler and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  Heterotrophic utilization of DON in a subalpine lake.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 46th annual meeting, St. Johns, Newfoundland.  (Abstract)
216. Byron, E.R., P.T. Whitman and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  Observations of copepod swarms in Lake Tahoe.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 28(2):378-382.
217. Goldman, C.R., E. de Amezaga and R. Leonard.  1983.  Long term changes in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  15th Congress, Pacific Science Assoc.  Vol. 1:94.  (Abstract)
218. Leonard, R.L. and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  Land use and catchment characteristics in relation to quality of surface runoff flowing into Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  15th Congress, Pacific Science Assoc.  Vol. 1:144.  (Abstract)
219. Priscu, J.C. and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  Environmental influences on nitrogen metabolism by phytoplankton in a subalpine lake.  15th Congress, Pacific Science Assoc.  Vol. 2:190.  (Abstract)
220. Sommer, T.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  Predation by the crayfish Procambarus clarkii on mosquito larvae.  Proc., American Mosquito Control Assoc. California Mosquito Abatement Conf., Fresno, CA.  (Abstract)
221. Axler, R.P., C.R. Goldman, J.E. Reuter, S.L. Loeb, J.C. Priscu and R.G. Carlton.  1983.  Comparative studies of the nitrogen metabolism of phytoplankton and periphyton in oligotrophic lakes, p. 7-17.  In Agrochemical-Biota Interactions in Soil and Water Using Nuclear Techniques.  IAEA TECDOC-283, Vienna, Austria.
222. Priscu, J.C. and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  Suspensoid characteristics in subalpine Castle Lake, California.  I.  Chemical Composition.  Archives fur Hydrobiologie 97(3):373-388.
223. Gersberg, R.M., B.V. Elkins and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  Nitrogen removal in artificial wetlands.  Water Res. 17(9):1009-1014.
224. Axler, R.P., E.R. Byron, R.L. Leonard and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  Interagency Tahoe Monitoring Program:  Third Annual Report, Water Year 1982.  Tahoe Research Group, Inst. Ecology, Univ. California, Davis.  121 p.
225. Axler, R.P., E.R. Byron, R.L. Leonard and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  Atmospheric deposition of nutrients in the Lake Tahoe basin.  Interagency Tahoe Monitoring Program, Water Year 1982.  Tahoe Research Group, Inst. Ecology, Univ. California, Davis.  53 p.
226. Goldman, C.R. (Editor).  1983.  Freshwater Crayfish V.  Papers from the Fifth Internat. Symp. on Freshwater Crayfish, Davis, CA.  AVI Publishing Co., Westport, CT.  569 p.
227. Goldman, C.R.  1983.  Preface, p. xvii-xix.  In C.R. Goldman (ed.), Freshwater Crayfish V.  Papers from the Fifth Internat. Symp. Freshwater Crayfish, Davis, CA.  AVI Publishing Co.,
Westport, CT.  569 p.
228. Shimizu, S. and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana) production in the Sacramento River, p. 210-228.  In C.R. Goldman (ed.), Freshwater Crayfish V.  Papers from the Fifth Internat. Symp. on Freshwater Crayfish, Davis, CA.  AVI Publ., Westport, CT. 569 p.
229. Sommer, T.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  The Crayfish Procambarus clarkii from California ricefields:  Ecology, problems and potential for harvest, p. 418-428.  In C.R. Goldman (ed.),  Freshwater Crayfish V.  Papers from the Fifth Internat. Symp. on Freshwater Crayfish, Davis, CA.  AVI Publishing Co., Westport, CT.  569 p.
230. Klosterman, B.J. and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  Substrate selection behavior of the crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, p. 254-267.  In C.R. Goldman (ed.), Freshwater Crayfish V.  Papers from the Fifth Internat. Symp. on Freshwater Crayfish, Davis, CA.  AVI Publishing Co., Westport, CT.  569 p.
231. Rundquist, J.C. and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  Methodological considerations for quantitative determination of consumption for the crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, p. 27-42.  In C.R. Goldman (ed.), Freshwater Crayfish V.  Papers from Fifth Internat. Symp. Freshwater Crayfish, Davis, CA.  AVI Publishing Co., Westport, CT.  569 p.
232. Reuter, J.E., S.L. Loeb and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  Nitrogen fixation in periphyton of oligotrophic Lake Tahoe, p. 101-109.  In R.G. Wetzel (ed.), Periphyton of Freshwater Ecosystems, Dr. W. Junk, The Hague.
233. Priscu, J.C. and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  Carboxylating enzyme activity and photosynthetic end products of phytoplankton in the shallow and deep chlorophyll layers of Castle Lake.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 28(6):1168-1181.
234. Loeb, S.L., J.E. Reuter and C.R. Goldman.  1983.  Littoral zone production of oligotrophic lakes, p. 161-167.  In R.G. Wetzel (ed.), Periphyton of Freshwater Ecosystems.  Dr. W. Junk, The Hague.
235. Mahood, A.D., R.D. Thomson and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Centric diatoms of Lake Tahoe.  The Great Basin Naturalist 44(1):83-98.
236. Byron, E.R., C.L. Folt and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Copepod and cladoceran success in an oligotrophic lake.  J. Plankton Res. 6(1):45-65.
237. Byron, Earl R. and Charles R. Goldman.  1984.  Recent sedimentation and the fertility of Lake Tahoe.  A report to the Interagency Tahoe Monitoring Program.  Tahoe Research Group, Inst. Ecology, Univ. California, Davis.  26 p.
238. Gersberg, R.M., B.V. Elkins and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Use of artificial wetlands to remove nitrogen from wastewater.  J. Water Pollution Control Federation 56(2):152-156.
239. Priscu, J.C. and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  The effect of temperature on photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport system activity in the shallow and deep-living phytoplankton of a subalpine lake.  Freshwater Biology 14:143-155.
240. Carlton, R.G. and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Effects of a massive swarm of ants on ammonium concentrations in a subalpine lake.  Hydrobiologia 111:113-117.
241. Sawyer, P. and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  The effect of temperature and light on the vertical and horizontal distribution of Mysis relicta in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.  (Abstract)
242. Lane, J.L., J.P. Zehr and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Size-fractionated phosphorus uptake kinetics of a subalpine plankton community.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.  (Abstract)
243. Zehr, J.P. and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Heterotrophic mineralization of amino acid nitrogen in subalpine Castle Lake, California.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.  (Abstract)
244. Byron, E.R., R.P. Axler and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Lake Tahoe Interagency Monitoring Program: Fourth Annual Report, Water Year 1983.  Tahoe Research Group, Inst. Ecology, Univ. California, Davis.  125 p.
245. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  The return of the Daphnia, an analysis of its reappearance in Lake Tahoe, CA-NV.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting, Vancouver, B.C.  (Abstract)
246. Hagley, C.A. and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Effect of Isoetes, a submerged aquatic macrophyte, on sediment dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations in subalpine Castle Lake.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting, Vancouver, B.C.  (Abstract)
247. Abbott, M.R., K.L. Denman, T.M. Powell, P.J. Richerson, R.C. Richards and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Mixing and the dynamics of the deep chlorophyll maximum in Lake Tahoe.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 29(4):862-878.
248. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Plasticity of life-history features in a population of the opossum shrimp Mysis relicta.  Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer. 65(2):275.
249. Axler, R., J. Reuter, J. Priscu, S. Loeb, R. Carlton, J. Zehr and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Transformations of nitrogen following epilimnetic N-fertilization in Castle Lake, CA.  2. Nitrate and ammonium depletion pathways.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 22:583.
250. Gersberg, R.M., B.V. Elkins and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Wastewater treatment by artificial wetlands.  Wat. Sci. Tech. 17:443-450.
251. Goldman, C.R. and E. de Amezaga.  1984.  Primary productivity and precipitation at Castle Lake and Lake Tahoe during twenty-four years, 1959-1982.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 22:591599.
252. Watanabe, Y. and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Heterotrophic bacterial community in oligotrophic Lake Tahoe.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 22:585-590.
253. Paulsen, S.G. and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Rates of potential denitrification in an N-deficient, subalpine lake.  EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union 65(45):914.  (Abstract)
254. Levitan, C., M.D. White, P.E. Sawyer and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Mysis predation in sub-surface enclosures, Lake Tahoe. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union 65(45):903. (Abstract)
255. Strub, P.T., T.M. Powell and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Climatic forcing: effects of El Nino on a small, temperate, subalpine lake.  EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union 65(45):909.  (Abstract)
256. Lane, J.L. and C.R. Goldman.  1984.  Size-fractionation of natural phytoplankton communities in nutrient bioassay studies.  Hydrobiologia 118:219-223.
257. Reuter, J.E., S.L. Loeb, R.P. Axler, R.G. Carlton and C.R. Goldman.  1985.  Transformations of nitrogen following an epilimnetic nitrogen fertilization in Castle Lake, CA.  1.  Epilithic periphyton responses.  Arch. Hydrobiol. 102:425-433.
258. Hagley, C.A. and C.R. Goldman.  1985.  The relationship between sediment characteristics and the growth and distribution of the aquatic macrophyte, Isoetes sp., to Castle Lake, CA.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN.  (Abstract)
259. Palmer, J.E., S.L. Loeb and C.R. Goldman.  1985.  The effects of variation in nutrient input, light and temperature on the primary productivity of the eulittoral periphyton community, Lake Tahoe, CA-NV.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN. (Abstract)
260. Sawyer, P.E., C. Levitan and C.R. Goldman.  1985.  The effects of temperature, acclimation, starvation duration and prey density on the feeding behavior of Mysis relicta.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN.  (Abstract)
261. Varnhagen, E., C. Levitan and C.R. Goldman.  1985.  Bosmina feeding selectivity on size fractionated algal assemblages in Lake Tahoe.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN.  (Abstract)
262. Strub, P.T., T. Powell and C.R. Goldman.  1985.  Climatic forcing: effects of El Nino and a small, temperate lake.  Science 227:55-57.
263. Strub, P.T., T.M. Powell and C.R. Goldman.  1985.  Climatic forcing: effects of El Nino on a small lake, p. 70.  Proc., Workshop on Climate Variability of the Eastern North Pacific and Western North America, Pacific Grove, CA.  (Abstract)
264. Goldman, C.R.  1985.  Climatic effects over the last twenty five years on the productivity of Castle Lake and Lake Tahoe (lake eutrophication), p. 76.  Proc., Workshop on Climate Variability of the Eastern North Pacific and Western North America, Pacific Grove, CA.  (Abstract)
265. Zehr, J.P., R.P. Axler and C.R. Goldman.  1985.  Heterotrophic mineralization of amino acid nitrogen in subalpine Castle Lake, California.  Marine Chemistry 16:343-350.
266. Priscu, J.C., R.P. Axler and C.R. Goldman.  1985.  Nitrogen metabolism of the shallow and deep-water phytoplankton in a subalpine lake.  Oikos 45:137-147.
267. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1985.  Lake Tahoe Interagency Monitoring Program: Fifth Annual Report, Water Year 1984.  Tahoe Research Group, Inst. Ecology, Univ. California, Davis.  122 p.
268. Goldman, C.R.  1985.  Lake Tahoe: a microcosm for the study of change, p. 247-260.  In G. Godfrey et al. (eds.), 125 Years of Biological Research 1858-1983: A Symposium.  Illinois Natural History Survey Vol. 33, Article 3.
269. Gersberg, R.M., S.R. Lyon, B.V. Elkins and C.R. Goldman.  1985.  The removal of heavy metals by artificial wetlands, p. 639-647. Proc., Water Reuse Symp. III, AWWA, San Diego.
270. Reuter, J.E., S.L. Loeb and C.R. Goldman.  1986.  Inorganic nitrogen uptake by epilithic periphyton in a N-deficient lake.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 31(1):149-160.
271. Gersberg, R.M., B.V. Elkins, S.R. Lyon and C.R. Goldman.  1986.  Role of aquatic plants in wastewater treatment by artificial wetlands.  Water Res. 20(3):363-368.
272. Richerson, P.J. and C.R. Goldman.  1986.  Water Quality Monitoring Program for Davis Creek Reservoir, California: Summary and Evaluation of Data from the First Year Impoundment.  Div. Environmental Studies & Inst. Ecology, Univ. California, Davis. 98 p.
273. Byron, E.R., P.E. Sawyer and C.R. Goldman.  1986.  The recurrence of Daphnia rosea in Lake
Tahoe: analysis of a population pulse.  J. Plankton Res. 8(4):771-783.
274. Goldman, C.R. and E.R. Byron.  1986.  Changing Water Quality at Lake Tahoe: The First Five  Years of the Lake Tahoe Interagency Monitoring Program.  Tahoe Research Group, Inst.  Ecology, Univ. California, Davis.  12 p.
275. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1986.  An analysis of nutrient flux from 7 streams tributary to  Lake Tahoe.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting, Kingston, RI.  (Abstract)
276. Paulsen, S.G. and C.R. Goldman.  1986.  Distribution of sediment denitrification in subalpine  Castle Lake.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting, Kingston, RI.  (Abstract)  277. Reuter, J.E., R.P. Axler and C.R. Goldman.  1986.  Experimental studies of N-cycling using 15N  and mesocosm methodologies: The importance of benthic algal uptake.  Amer. Soc. Limnol.  Oceanogr. annual meeting, Kingston, RI.  (Abstract)
278. Goldman, C.R. and E. de Amezaga.  1986.  The effect of internal and external nutrient loading on the primary productivity of Lake Tahoe, CA-NV.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting, Kingston, RI.  (Abstract)
279. Carney, H.J., R. Butler, P.J. Richerson, R. Richards and C.R. Goldman.  1986.  Phytoplankton  growth and loss processes, interspecific competition and seasonality in Lake Tahoe, CA-NV.   Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. meeting, Kingston, RI.  (Abstract)
280. Reuter, J.E., P.D. Vaux and C.R. Goldman.  1986.  Ecological impacts of sediment transport to  tropical reservoirs, p. 1992-1996.  Proc., World Water Issues in Evolution, ASCE.
281. Pringle, C.M., P. Paaby-Hansen, P.D. Vaux and C.R. Goldman.  1986.  In situ nutrient assays of  periphyton growth in a lowland Costa Rican stream.  Hydrobiologia 134:207-213.
282. Goldman, C.R.  1986.  Lake Tahoe: an oligotrophic lake’s response to nutrient loading, p. 329 334.  In Lakes Pollution and Recovery, European Water Poll. Control. Assoc., Rome.
283. Aloi, J.E., S.L. Loeb, S.H. Hackley, C.R. Goldman and A.T. Aloi.  1986.  Underwater research  methodologies for limnological investigations at Lake Tahoe, CA-NV: periphyton, groundwater and zooplankton studies, p. 313-317.  Proc., Joint Internat. Scientific Diving Symp., La Jolla, CA.
284. Reuter, J.E., S.L. Loeb and C.R. Goldman.  1986.  The physiological ecology of nuisance algae in an oligotrophic lake, p. 115-127.  In L.V. Evans and K.D. Hoagland (eds.), Algal Biofouling.   Elsevier Science.
285. Paulsen, S.G., J.E. Reuter, C.R. Goldman, R.P. Axler and R.G. Carlton.  1986.  The importance  of benthic communities in regulating water column nitrogen dynamics in lakes.  EOS, Trans.  Amer. Geophysical Union 67(44):975.  (Abstract)
286. Varnhagen, E., E. Byron and C.R. Goldman.  1986.  Factors controlling Bosmina population  growth in Lake Tahoe.  EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union 67(44):986.  (Abstract)
287. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1986.  Long-term changes in the atmospheric deposition of acid  and nutrients at Lake Tahoe, CA-NV.  EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union 67(44):986.   (Abstract)
288. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1986.  A Technical Summary of Changing Water Quality in  Lake Tahoe: The First Five Years of the Lake Tahoe Interagency Monitoring Program.  Tahoe  Research Group, Inst. Ecology, Univ. California, Davis.  62 p.
289. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1986.  Lake Tahoe Interagency Monitoring Program: Sixth
Annual Report, Water Year 1985.  Tahoe Research Group, Inst. Ecology, Univ. California,  Davis.  55 p.
290. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1987.  Relationships of Stream Water Quality to Land Use  Characteristics in the Tahoe Basin.  LTIMP Summary Supplement.  Tahoe Research Group, Inst.  Ecology, Univ. California, Davis.  20 p.
291. Hoenicke, R. and C.R. Goldman.  1987.  Resource dynamics and seasonal changes in competitive  interactions among three cladoceran species.  J. Plankton Res. 9(3):397-417.
292. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1987.  The importance of atmospheric nutrient deposition to  lakes: methods and results from Lake Tahoe.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. spring meeting,  Madison, WI.  (Abstract)
293. Slotton, D.G., R.P. Axler, J.E. Reuter and C.R. Goldman.  1987.  Water Quality Monitoring  Program for Davis Creek Reservoir, CA.  Summary and Evaluation of Data from January 1986  through June 1987.  Div. Environ. Studies/Inst. Ecology, Univ. California, Davis. 118 p.
294. Goldman, C.R.  1987.  Aquatic primary production.  In Pfafflin and Ziegler (eds.), Encyclopedia  of Environmental Science and Engineering, Vol. 1A, 2nd ed.  Gordon and Breach, New York.
295. Coon, T.G., M. Matilde Lopez, P.J. Richerson, T.M. Powell and C.R. Goldman.  1987.  Summer  dynamics of the deep chlorophyll maximum in Lake Tahoe.  J. Plankton Res. 9(2):327-344.
296. Goldman, C.R. and R.C. Richards.  1987.  The urbanization of the Lake Tahoe basin: a  microcosm for the study of environmental change with continuing development, p. 42-62.  In D.  Bradley (ed.), Proc., State of the Sierra Symp. 1985-86,  Pacific Publications, San Francisco.
297. Slotton, D.G., C.R. Goldman, R.P. Axler and J.E. Reuter.  1987.  Mercury accumulation in a new  reservoir system, p. 63-65.  In S.E. Lindberg and T.C. Hutchinson (eds.), Heavy Metals in the  Environment.  Page Bros., Norwich, Great Britain.
298. Knud-Hansen, C.F. and C.R. Goldman.  1987.  Phytoplankton productivity responses to nutrient  enrichment in a tropical reservoir. Arch. Hydrobiol. Beih. Ergebn. Limnol. 28:463-469.
299.   Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1988.  Lake Tahoe Interagency Monitoring Program: Seventh  Annual Report, Water Year 1986.  Tahoe Research Group, Inst. Ecology, Univ. California,  Davis.  50 p.
300. Zehr, J.P., S.G. Paulsen, R.P. Axler and C.R. Goldman.  1988.  Dynamics of dissolved organic  nitrogen in subalpine Castle Lake, California.  Hydrobiologia 157:33-45.
301. Aloi, J.E., S.L. Loeb and C.R. Goldman.  1988.  Temporal and spatial variability of the eulittoral  epilithic periphyton, Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  J. Freshwater Ecology 4(3):401-410.
302. Goldman, C.R., S.G. Paulsen and J.E. Reuter.  1988.  The use of wetlands for water quality  control, p. 8-22.  In Innovative Water Conservation, Proc., 42nd annual conf., Calif. Assn.  Resource Conservation Districts, South Lake Tahoe, CA.
303. Folt, C.L., W.G. Crumpton and C.R. Goldman.  1988.  The consequences of food resource  partitioning on a size-structured zooplankton population.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 23:315-326.
304. Goldman, C.R.  1988.  Primary productivity in lakes Castle and Tahoe: long-term trends and year-to-year variation, p. 10.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting, Boulder, CO.
305. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1988.  The importance of atmospheric nutrient deposition to  lakes: methods and results from Lake Tahoe.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting,  Boulder, CO.  (Abstract)
306. Goldman, C.R.  1988.  Summary of Pacific Division AAAS Crater Lake symposium and  comparisons with the early stages of the eutrophication of Lake Tahoe.  Proc., PDAAAS 69th  annual meeting, Corvallis, OR.  Vol. 7(1):30.  (Abstract)
307. Carney, H.J., P.J. Richerson, C.R. Goldman and R.C. Richards.  1988.  Seasonal phytoplankton  demographic processes and experiments on interspecific competition.  Ecology 69(3):664-678.
308. Goldman, C.R.  1988.  Eutrophication and primary productivity – the Bovan Reservoir.Inst. Civil  Architectural Engineering, Univ. Nis, Yugoslavia.  Special Series Report EKO 12.  70 p.
309. Reuter, J.E., D.G. Slotton and C.R. Goldman.  1988.  Evaluation of McLaughlin Gold Mine  Project – Environmental Monitoring Program for Davis Creek Watershed Surface Waters,   July 1, 1987 to June 30, 1988.  Div. Environmental Studies, Univ. California, Davis.  191 p.
310. Carney, H.J. and C.R. Goldman.  1988.  Seasonal phytoplankton r- and K-selection in  oligotrophic Lake Tahoe.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 23:968-975.
311. Axler, R.P., J.E. Reuter, D. Slotton, and C.R. Goldman.  1988.  Heavy metal distribution and  water quality aspects of a newly impounded gold mining reservoir.  Verh. Internat. Verein.  Limnol. 23:968-975.
312. Byron, E.R., C.R. Goldman, and S.H. Hackley.  1988.  Lake Tahoe Interagency Monitoring  Program: Eighth Annual Report, Water Year 1987.  Tahoe Research Group, Inst. Ecology, Univ.  California, Davis.  77 p.
313. Goldman, C.R.  1988.  Primary productivity, nutrients, and transparency during the early onset of  eutrophication in ultra-oligotrophic Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 33(6,  part 1):1321-1333.
314. Varnhagen, E., E.R. Byron, and C.R. Goldman.  1988.  Epischura density as a factor controlling  the establishment of Bosmina populations in Lake Tahoe.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.  23:2082-2086.
315. Paaby, P. and C.R. Goldman.  1988.  Attached primary producers in a Costa Rican rainforest  stream.  73rd annual meeting, Ecol. Soc. Amer. 69(2):252.  (Abstract)
316. Byron, E.R., A. Jassby, and C.R. Goldman.  1989.  The ecological effects of global climate  change on freshwater lakes and streams.  Abstracts, Symp. on Global Climate Effects, PSR&DP,  Univ. California, Davis.
317. Slotton, D.G., C.R. Goldman, and A. Franke.  1989.  Commercially grown Spirulina found to  contain low levels of mercury and lead.  Nutrition Reports Internat. 40(6):1165-1172.318.
318. Goldman, C.R. and P.D. Marjanovic.  1989.  Eutrophication processes and their importance in  water resources planning – water resources master plan development.  Vodoprivreda, J. Yugoslav  Assoc. Engineers and Technicants.
319. Reuter, J.E., D.G. Slotton, and C.R. Goldman.  1989.  Evaluation of McLaughlin Gold Mine  Project in Yolo County as Related to Surface Waters in the Davis Creek Watershed.  Div.
Environmental Studies, Univ. California, Davis.  268 p.
320.  Reuter, J.E., T. Djohan, and C.R. Goldman.  1989.  The Use of Wetlands for Nutrient Removal  from Urban Runoff in a Cold Climate Region of California – Preliminary Results from a Newly  Constructed Artificial Wetland at Lake Tahoe.  Div. Environmental Studies, Univ. California,  Davis.  32 p.
321. Byron, E.R., C.R. Goldman, and S.H. Hackley.  1989.  Lake Tahoe Interagency Monitoring  Program.  Ninth Annual Report, Water Year 1988.  Tahoe Research Group, Inst. Ecology, Univ.  California, Davis.  78 p.
322. Elser, J.J., E. Marzolf, and C.R. Goldman.  1989.  The roles of phosphorus and nitrogen in  limiting phytoplankton growth in freshwaters: a review of experimental enrichments, p. 16.   American Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting, Fairbanks, AK.
323. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1989.  Land use and water quality in tributary streams of Lake  Tahoe, California-Nevada.  J. Environ. Quality 18(1):84-88.
324. Goldman, C.R.  1989.  The importance of establishing long term environmental research, p. 250 275.  In B. Keenan et al. (eds.), Proc., Symp. on “Science, Universities, and the Environment”.   Univ. Chicago. 353 p.
325. Goldman, C.R., A. Jassby and T.M. Powell.  1989.  Interannual fluctuations in primary  production: meteorological forcing at two subalpine lakes.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 34(2):310-323.
326. Goldman, C.R.  1989.  Lake Tahoe: preserving a fragile ecosystem.  Environment 31(7):6-11, 27 31.
327. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1990.  The estimation of direct wet and dry atmospheric  deposition to large lakes: Lessons from Lake Tahoe, p. 327-336.  In I.G. Poppoff et al. (eds.),  Internat. Mountain Watershed Symp.: Subalpine Processes and Water Quality, Tahoe Resource  Conservation District, So. Lake Tahoe, CA.
328. Marjanovic, P. and C.R. Goldman.  1990.  Modeling long-term eutrophication processes at Lake  Tahoe, California-Nevada, p. 478-493.  In I.G. Poppoff et al. (eds.), Internat. Mountain  Watershed Symp.: Subalpine Processes and Water Quality, Tahoe Resource Conservation  District, So. Lake Tahoe, CA.
329. Elser, J.J., H.J. Carney, and C.R. Goldman.  1990.  Nutrient supply and demand in pelagic  ecosystems: A comparison of three large lakes, p. 528-543.  In I.G. Poppoff et al. (eds.), Internat.  Mountain Watershed Symp.: Subalpine Processes and Water Quality, Tahoe Res. Cons. District,  So. Lake Tahoe, CA.
330. Goldman, C.R.  1990.  Long-term limnological research at Lake Tahoe, p. 464-477.  In I.G.  Poppoff et al. (eds.), Internat. Mountain Watershed Symp.: Subalpine Processes and Water  Quality, Tahoe Resource Conservation District, So. Lake Tahoe, CA.
331. Poppoff, I.G., C.R. Goldman, S.L. Loeb, and L.B. Leopold.  1990.  Internat. Mountain  Watershed Symp.: Subalpine Processes and Water Quality.  Tahoe Resource Conservation  District, So. Lake Tahoe, CA.  610 p.
332. Vaux, P.D. and C.R. Goldman.  1990.  Dams and development in the tropics: The role of applied  ecology, p. 101-123.  In R. Goodland (ed.), Race to Save the Tropics.  Island Press, Washington,  D.C.
333. Byron, E.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1990.  The potential effects of global warming on the primary  productivity of a subalpine lake.  Water Resources Bull. 26:983-989.
334. Hunter, D.H., C.R. Goldman, and E.R. Byron. 1990. Changes in the phytoplankton community   structure in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 24:505-508.
335. Elser, J.J. and C.R. Goldman.  1990.  Experimental separation of the direct and indirect effects of  herbivorous zooplankton on phytoplankton in a subalpine lake.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.  24:493-498.
336. Goldman, C.R.  1990.  Summary of Crater Lake studies and comparison with the early stages of  eutrophication of Lake Tahoe, p. 213-221. In E.T. Drake, G.L. Larson, J. Dymond and R. Collier  (eds.) Crater Lake: An Ecosystem Study.  PDAAAS, Calif. Acad. Sci., San Francisco.
337. Goldman, C.R. and A.D. Jassby.  1990.  Spring mixing and annual primary production at Lake  Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 24:504.
338. Elser, J.J., H.J. Carney, and C.R. Goldman.  1990.  The zooplankton-phytoplankton interface in  lakes of contrasting trophic status: an experimental comparison. Hydrobiologia 200/201:69-82.
339. Goldman, C.R., A.D. Jassby and E. de Amezaga.  1990.  Forest fires, atmospheric deposition and  primary productivity at Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 24:499 503.
340. Goldman, C.R., F. Lubnow, and J. Elser.  1990.  Environmental effect of calcium magnesium  acetate on natural phytoplankton populations in ten Sierra Nevada and Klamath mountain lakes,  p. 9-19.  In C.R. Goldman and G.J. Malyj (eds.), The Environmental Impact of Highway Deicing.   Inst. Ecology Publ. No. 33, Univ. California, Davis.
341. Goldman, C.R. and G.J. Malyj.  1990.  The Environmental Impact of Highway Deicing.  Inst.  Ecology Publ. No. 33.  Univ. California, Davis.  178 p.
342. Elser, J.J., E. Marzolf and C.R. Goldman.  1990.  Phosphorus and nitrogen limitation of  phytoplankton growth in the freshwaters of North America: a review and critique of experimental  enrichments.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 47:1468-1477.
343. Goldman, C.R. and A. Jassby.  1990.  Spring mixing depth as a determinant of annual primary  production in lakes, p. 125-132.  In M.M. Tilzer and C. Serruya (eds.), Large Lakes: Ecological  Structure and Function.  Springer-Verlag, NY.
344. Jassby, A.D., T.M. Powell and C.R. Goldman.  1990.  Interannual fluctuations in primary   production: Direct physical effects and the trophic cascade at Castle Lake, California.  Limnol.  Oceanogr. 35(5):1021-1038.
345. Goldman, C.R.  1990.  The importance of long-term limnological research with emphasis on Lake  Tahoe and Castle Lake, p. 221-231.  In R. de Bernardi et al. (eds.), Scientific Perspectives in Theoretical and Applied Limnology.  C.N.R., Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia, Pallanza, Italy.
346. Goldman, C.R. and R. Margalef.  1990.  Concluding remarks, p. 373-378.  In R. de Bernardi et  al. (eds.), Scientific Perspectives in Theoretical and Applied Limnology.  C.N.R., Istituto Italiano  di Idrobiologia, Pallanza, Italy.
347. Coats, R.N. and C.R. Goldman.  1991.  Nitrogen transport in subalpine streams, Lake Tahoe  basin, California and Nevada.  Extended abstracts, Second Internat. Symp. on Environmental  Geochemistry, September 1991, Uppsala, Sweden.
348. Byron, E.R., R.P. Axler and C.R. Goldman.  1991.  Increased precipitation acidity in the central  Sierra Nevada.  Atmos. Environ. 25A(2):271-275.
349. Richards, R.C., C.R. Goldman, E. Byron, and C. Levitan.  1991.  The mysids and lake trout of  Lake Tahoe: A 25-year history of changes in the fertility, plankton, and fishery of an alpine lake.   Amer. Fish. Soc. Symp. 9:30-38.
350. Elser, J.J. and C.R. Goldman.  1991.  Zooplankton effects on phytoplankton in lakes of  contrasting trophic status.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 36(1):64-90.
351. Goldman, C.R.  1991.  Primary productivity and nutrient limitation in Lake Baikal, USSR,   p. 6.  Proc., 11th Internat. Symp.  North Amer. Lake Management Soc. (Abstract)
352. Goldman, C.R., F.S. Lubnow, and J.J. Elser.  1992.  Environmental effects of calcium magnesium acetate on natural phytoplankton and bacterial communities in northern California lakes, p. 229-244.  In F.M. D’Itri (ed.), Chemical Deicers and the Environment.  Lewis Publ.
353. Goldman, C.R., A.D. Jassby, and T.M. Powell.  1992.  Sources of variability in the primary  productivity record at Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual  meeting.  (Abstract)
354. Jassby, A.D. and C.R. Goldman.  1992.  Meteorological signals in primary productivity at two  mountain lakes, p. 71-80.  In K.T. Redmond (ed.), Proc., Eighth Annual Pacific Climate  (PACLIM) Workshop.  Calif. Dept. of Water Resources IESP Tech. Rpt. 31.
355. Reuter, J.E., E.R. Marzolf, and C.R. Goldman.  1992.  Water quality treatment of surface runoff  in a natural subalpine meadow: case study from the Lake Tahoe basin, California, p. 17-35.  In  The Environment Is Our Future, Proc. of Conference XXIII, Internat. Erosion Control Assoc.,  Steamboat Springs, CO.
356. Marzolf, E.R. and C.R. Goldman.  1992.  The effect of temperature-induced free convection  within the sediments and boundary layer on benthic nutrient fluxes in Castle Lake, CA.  Amer.  Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting.  (Abstract)
357. Brett, M.T., K. Wiackowski, F.S. Lubnow, A. Solger-Muller, C.R. Goldman, J.J. Elser, and C.   Luecke.  1992.  Zooplankton species level effects on the plankton community of Castle Lake,  California.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting.  (Abstract)
358. Lubnow, F.S. and C.R. Goldman.  1992.  Nutrient limitation of the algal and bacterial  communities of a subalpine lake.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting.  (Abstract)
359. George, N.B., J.J. Elser, and C.R. Goldman.  1992.  Stoichiometric aspects of the Castle Lake  pelagic zone.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. annual meeting.  (Abstract)
360. Reuter, J.E., T. Djohan, and C.R. Goldman.  1992.  The use of wetlands for nutrient removal  from surface runoff in a cold climate region of California – Results from a newly constructed  wetland at Lake Tahoe.  J. Environmental Management 36:35-53.
361. Jassby, A.D., C.R. Goldman and T.M. Powell.  1992.  Trend, seasonality, cycle, and irregular  fluctuations in primary productivity at Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, USA.  Hydrobiologia  246:195-203.
362. Lebo, M.E., J.E. Reuter, C.L. Rhodes and C.R. Goldman.  1992.  Nutrient cycling and  productivity in a desert saline lake: observations from a dry, low-productivity year.   Hydrobiologia 246:213-229.
363. Goldman, C.R. and F.S. Lubnow.  1992.  Seasonal influence of calcium magnesium acetate on  microbial processes in 10 northern California lakes.  Resources, Conservation and Recycling
7:51- 67.
364. Goldman, C.R.  1992.  Moving beyond the conflicts: Research to protect lakes and reservoirs of  the western states.  The Chiles Award Papers.  The High Desert Museum, Bend, OR.
365. Paaby, P. and C.R. Goldman.  1992.  Chlorophyll, primary productivity, and respiration in a  lowland Costa Rican stream.  Rev. Biol. Trop. 40(2):185-198.
366. Beauchamp, D.A., B.C. Allen, R.C. Richards, W.A. Wurtsbaugh and C.R. Goldman.  1992.  Lake  trout spawning in Lake Tahoe: egg incubation in deepwater macrophyte beds.  No. American J. Fisheries Management 12:442-449.
367. Coats, R. and C. Goldman.  1993.  Nitrate transport in subalpine streams, Lake Tahoe basin,  California-Nevada, USA.  Applied Geochemistry, Suppl. Issue 2:17-21.
368. Carney, H.J., M.W. Binford, R.R. Marin and C.R. Goldman.  1993.  Nitrogen and phosphorus  dynamics and retention in ecotones of Lake Titicaca, Bolivia/Peru.  Hydrobiologia 251:39-47.
369. Goldman, C.R.  1993.  Baikal: the greatest Great Lake, p. 208-225.  In 1994 Yearbook of  Science and the Future, Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago, IL.
370. Carney, H.J., M.W. Binford, A.L. Kolata, R.R. Marin and C.R. Goldman.  1993.  Nutrient and  sediment retention in Andean raised-field agriculture.  Nature 364:131-133.
371. Lebo, M.E., J.E. Reuter, C.R. Goldman, C.L. Rhodes, N. Vucinich and D. Mosely.  1993.   Spatial variations in nutrient and particulate matter concentrations in Pyramid Lake, Nevada,  USA, during a dry period.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 50(5):1045-1054.
372. Reuter, J.E., C.L. Rhodes, M.E. Lebo, M. Kotzman and C.R. Goldman.  1993.  The importance  of nitrogen in Pyramid Lake (Nevada, USA), a saline, desert lake.  Hydrobiologia 267:179-189.
373. Goldman, C.R., A.D. Jassby and S.H. Hackley.  1993.  Decadal, Interannual, and seasonal  variability in enrichment bioassays at Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, USA.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat.  Sci. 50(7):1489-1496.
374. Goldman, C.R.  1993.  The conservation of two large lakes: Tahoe and Baikal.  Verh. Internat.  Verein. Limnol. 25:388-391.
375. Goldman, C.R., A.D. Jassby and S.H. Hackley.  1993.  Temporal scales of variability in nutrient  bioassay response at Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, USA.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.  25:387.
376. Burgi, H.R., J.J. Elser, R.C. Richards, and C.R. Goldman.  1993.  Zooplankton patchiness in Lake  Tahoe and Castle Lake, USA.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 25:378-382.
377. Goldman, C.R. and A.D. Jassby.  1993.  Sources of variability in annual primary productivity at  two mountain lakes.  Collected extended abstracts from EAWAG Workshop on the Importance  of External Perturbations for Short- and Long-Term Changes in Large Lake Ecosystems,  Konstanz, Germany.
378. Elser, J.J., C. Junge, and C.R. Goldman.  1994.  Population structure and ecological effects of the  crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus in Castle Lake, California.  Great Basin Naturalist 54(2):162 169.
379. Lebo, M.E., J.E. Reuter, C.R. Goldman, and C.L. Rhodes.  1994.  Interannual variability of  nitrogen limitation in a desert lake: Influence of regional climate.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.
380. Wiackowski, K., M.T. Brett, and C.R. Goldman.  1994.  Differential effects of zooplankton  species on ciliate community structure.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 39(3):486-492.
381. Carney, H.J., D.A. Hunter, and C.R. Goldman.  1994.  Seasonal, interannual and long-term  dynamics of planktonic diatoms in oligotrophic Lake Tahoe, p. 621-629.  In J.P. Kociolek (ed.),  Proc., 11th International Diatom Symposium.  Calif. Acad. Sci. ISBN 0-940228-34-3.
382. Jassby, A.D., J.E. Reuter, R.P. Axler, C.R. Goldman, and S.H. Hackley.  1994.  Atmospheric  deposition of nitrogen and phosphorus in the annual nutrient load of Lake Tahoe (California Nevada).  Water Resources Res. 30(7):2207-2216.
383. Goldman, C.R.  1994.  The Sea of Aral, p. 137.  In M. Seely (ed.), Deserts.  Weldon Owen Pty  Limited, McMahons Point, NSW, Australia.
384. Goldman, C.R.  1994.  Anthropogenic impacts on oligotrophic lake systems emphasizing lakes  Tahoe and Baikal, p. 385-398.  In H. Sund and Y. Xiaogan (eds.), Environmental Protection and  Lake Ecosystem.  China Science and Technology Press, Beijing, China.
385. Goldman, C.R.  1994.  Lake Tahoe: A microcosm for the study of the impact of urbanization on  fragile ecosystems, p. 93-105.  In R.H. Platt et al. (eds.), The Ecological City.  University of  Massachusetts Press, Amherst.
386. Horne, A.J. and C.R. Goldman. 1994. Limnology, 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill. New York. 576 p.
387. Goldman, C.R.  1994.  Failures, successes and problems in controlling eutrophication.  In R. de  Bernardi et al. (eds.), Strategies for Lake Ecosystems Beyond 2000.  Mem. Ist. Ital. Idrobiol.  52:79-87 (1993).
388. Brett, M.T., K. Wiackowski, F.S. Lubnow, A. Mueller-Solger, J.J. Elser and C.R. Goldman.   1994.  Species-dependent effects of zooplankton on planktonic ecosystem processes in Castle  Lake, California.  Ecology 75(8):2243-2254.
389. Elser, J.J., C. Luecke, M.T. Brett and C.R. Goldman.  1995.  Effects of food web compensation  after manipulation of rainbow trout in an oligotrophic lake.  Ecology 76(1):52-69.   390. Slotton, D.G., J.E. Reuter and C.R. Goldman.  1995.  Mercury uptake patterns of biota in a  seasonally anoxic northern California reservoir.  Water, Air and Soil Pollution 80:841-850.
391. Elser, J.J., F.S. Lubnow, E.R. Marzolf, M.T. Brett, G. Dion and C.R. Goldman.  1995.  Factors  associated with interannual and intraannual variation in nutrient limitation of phytoplankton  growth in Castle Lake, California.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 52:93-104.
392. Brett, M.T., C.R. Goldman, F.S. Lubnow, A. Bracher, D. Brandt, O. Brandt, and A. Mueller Solger.  1995.  Impact of a major soil fumigant spill on the planktonic ecosystem of Shasta Lake,   California.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 52:1247-1256.
393. Jassby, A.D., C.R. Goldman and J.E. Reuter.  1995.  Long-term change in Lake Tahoe  (California-Nevada, U.S.A.) and its relation to atmospheric deposition of algal nutrients.  Arch.  Hydrobiol. 135(1):1-21.
394. Brett, M.T. and C.R. Goldman.  1996.  A meta-analysis of the freshwater trophic cascade.  Proc.  Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:7723-7726.
395.  Reuter, J.E., C.R. Goldman, M.E. Lebo, A.D. Jassby, R.C. Richards, S.H. Hackley, D.A. Hunter,  P.A. King, M. Palmer, E. de Amezaga, B.C. Allen, G.J. Malyj, S. Fife and A.C. Heyvaert.  1996.
University contribution to lake and watershed management: Case studies from the western
396.  United States – Lake Tahoe and Pyramid Lake, p. 140-144.  Proceedings, Watershed ’96.  Water  Environment Federation, ISBN 1-57278-028-2.
396.  Goldman, C.R. and D.G. Slotton.  1996.  Mercury contamination in California: A mining legacy,   p. 145-154.  In J.J. DeVries and J. Woled (eds.), Making the Connections: Proceedings of the  20th Biennial Ground Water Conf.  Water Resources Center Report No. 88, Univ. California,  Davis.
397.  Goldman, C.R., J.J. Elser, R.C. Richards, J.E. Reuter, J.C. Priscu and A.L. Levin.  1996.   Thermal stratification, nutrient dynamics, and phytoplankton productivity during the onset of  spring phytoplankton growth in Lake Baikal, Russia.  Hydrobiol. 331:9-24.
398. Brett, M.T. and C.R. Goldman.  1997.  Consumer Versus Resource Control in Freshwater    Pelagic Food Webs.  Science 275:384-386.
399.  Mueller-Solger, A., M.T. Brett, C. Luecke, J. Elser and C.R. Goldman.  1997.  The effects of     planktivorous fish (golden shiners) on the ciliate community of a mesotrophic lake.  J. Plankton Res. 19(12):1815-1828.
400.  Goldman, C.R. and J. Reuter.  1997.  Predictive model enables long-term planning.  NAEP  News  22(5):12,30.
401.  Goldman, C.R. and J.E. Reuter.  1997.  President Clinton and Vice-President Gore focus attention on ecosystem research and environmental restoration at Lake Tahoe.  Bulletin American Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 6(2):3-5.
402.  Reuter, J.E., M.E. Lebo, A.D. Jassby and C.R. Goldman.  1997.  Nutrient limitation as a determinant of watershed management strategy.  Proceedings, 5th National Watershed Conference.  National Watershed Coalition, Lakewood, Colorado.
403.  Melack, J.M., J. Dozier, C.R. Goldman, D. Greenland, A.M. Milner and R.J. Naiman.  1997.  Effects of climate change on inland waters of the Pacific coastal mountains and western Great Basin of North America.  Hydrological Processes 11:971-992.
404.  Goldman, C.R.  1998.  Multiple environmental stresses on the fragile Lake Tahoe ecosystem, pp.  41-50.  In J.J. Cech, Jr., et al. (eds.), Multiple Stresses in Ecosystems.  Lewis Publishers, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
405.   Reuter, J.E., B.C. Allen, R.C. Richards, J.F. Pankow, C.R. Goldman, R.L. Scholl and J.S. Seyfried.  1998.  Concentrations, sources and fate of the gasoline oxygenate methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in a multiple-use lake.  Environ. Sci. Technol. 32(23):3666-3672.
406.   Jassby, A.D., C.R. Goldman, J.E. Reuter and R.C. Richards.  1999.  Origins and scale dependence of temporal variability in the transparency of Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 44(2):282-294.
407. Huovinen, P.S., M.T. Brett and C.R. Goldman.  1999.  Temporal and vertical dynamics of phytoplankton net growth in Castle Lake, California.  J. Plankton Research 21(2):373-385.
408. Hatch, L.K., J.E. Reuter and C.R. Goldman.  1999.  Daily phosphorus variation in a mountain stream.  Water Resources Res. 35(12):3783-3791.
409. Hatch, L.K., J.E. Reuter and C.R. Goldman.  1999.  Relative importance of stream-borne particulate and dissolved phosphorus fractions to Lake Tahoe phytoplankton.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat.
Sci. 56:2331-2339.
410. Goldman, C.R., J.E. Reuter, A.D. Jassby, M.L. Kavvas and G. Schladow.  1999.  An integrated watershed approach to evaluate and model ecosystem effects of erosion and pollutant transport in urbanized subalpine landscapes, p. 29.  In Proceedings, 1999 Water and Watersheds Program Review.  EPA/NSF Partnership for Environmental Research, Silver Spring, MD.
411. Brett, M.T., F.S. Lubnow, M. Villar-Argaiz, A. Mueller-Solger and C.R. Goldman.  1999.  Nutrient control of bacterioplankton and phytoplankton dynamics.  Aquatic Ecology 33:135-145.
412. Rejmankova, E., M. Rejmanek, T. Djohan and C.R. Goldman.  1999.  Resistance and resilience of subalpine wetlands with respect to prolonged drought.  Folia Geobotanica 34:175-188.
413. Goldman, C.R.  2000.  Management-driven limnological research.  Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issues Advanc. Limnol. 55:257-269.
414. Goldman, C.R.  2000.  Baldi Lecture.  Four decades of change in two subalpine lakes.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27:7-26.
415. Huovinen, P.S. and C.R. Goldman.  2000.  Inhibition of phytoplankton production by UV-B radiation in clear subalpine Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27:157-160.
416. Müller-Navarra, D.C., M.T. Brett, A.M. Liston and C.R. Goldman.  2000.  A highly unsaturated fatty acid predicts carbon transfer between primary producers and consumers.  Nature 403:74-77.
417. Heyvaert, A.C., J.E. Reuter, D.G. Slotton and C.R. Goldman.  2000.  Paleolimnological reconstruction of historical atmospheric lead and mercury deposition at Lake Tahoe, CaliforniaNevada.  Environ. Sci. Technol. 34:3588-3597.
418. Reuter, J.E., A.D. Jassby, C.R. Goldman and A.C. Heyvaert.  2000.  Contribution of basin watersheds and atmospheric deposition to eutrophication at Lake Tahoe.  Watershed Management Council Networker 9(2):1,7-8.
419. Goldman, C.R., J.E. Reuter, A.D. Jassby, M.L. Kavvas, A.C. Heyvaert, G. Schladow and T.J. Swift.  2000.  Science-based decision making in the Lake Tahoe watershed.  In M. Flug and D. Frevert (eds.), Watershed Management 2000: Science and Engineering Technology for the New Millennium, Track E, Session 8(4):1-11.  ASCE, Reston.  ISBN 0-7844-0499-2.
420. Jassby, A.D., C.R. Goldman, J.E. Reuter, R.C. Richards.  2000.  Biostatistical evaluation of longterm lake clarity record.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27:2634-2635.
421. Hatch, L.K., J.E. Reuter and C.R. Goldman.  2001.  Stream phosphorus transport in the Lake Tahoe basin, 1989-1996.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 69:63-83.
422. Jassby, A.D., C.R. Goldman and J.E. Reuter.  2001.  Tahoe and the Delta: Some fundamental differences in conservation and restoration issues.  Contributed Papers, Interagency Ecological Program Newsletter 14(3):18-22.  Interagency Ecological Program for the San Francisco Estuary,
423. Coats, R.N. and C.R. Goldman.  2001.  Patterns of nitrogen transport in streams of the Lake Tahoe basin, California-Nevada.  Water Resources Res. 37(2):405-415.
424. Goldman, C.R. and A.D. Jassby.  2001.  Primary productivity, phytoplankton and nutrient status in Lake Baikal, p. 111-125.  In M. Munawar and R.E. Hecky (eds.), The Great Lakes of the World (GLOW): Food-web, health and integrity.  Backhuys Publ., Leiden, The Netherlands.
425. Jassby, A.D., C.R. Goldman, J.E. Reuter, R.C. Richards and A.C. Heyvaert.  2001.  Lake Tahoe: Diagnosis and rehabilitation of a large mountain lake, p. 431-454.  In M. Munawar and R.E. Hecky (eds.), The Great Lakes of the World (GLOW): Food-web, health and integrity.  Backhuys Publ., Leiden, The Netherlands.
426. Higley, B., H.J. Carrick, M.T. Brett, C. Luecke and C.R. Goldman.  2001.  The effects of ultraviolet radiation and nutrient additions on periphyton biomass and composition in a subalpine lake (Castle Lake, USA).  Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol. 86(2):147-163.
427. Coats, R., F. Liu and C.R. Goldman.  2002.  A Monte Carlo test of load calculation methods, Lake Tahoe basin, California-Nevada.  J. American Water Resources Assoc. 38(3):719-730.
428. Park, S.-K., M.T. Brett, D.C. Müller-Navarra and C.R. Goldman.  2002.  Essential fatty acid content and the phosphorus to carbon ratio in cultured algae as indicators of food quality for Daphnia.  Freshwater Biology 47:1377-1390.
429. Goldman, C.R. and J.E. Reuter.  2002.  Lake Tahoe and its watershed: science-based decision making for resolving basin-wide environmental problems.  Golden State Floodlight 15(2):1-4. California Dept. Water Resources.
430. Goldman, Charles R.  2002.  Lessons in critical ecosystem protection: the role of science in  management decisions at Lake Tahoe CA/NV.  Summary Report, Critical Ecosystem Assessment, p. 3.  U.S. EPA, Keystone, CO.  All 74 pages of graphics accompanying Goldman report:   431. Reuter, J.E., T.A. Cahill, S.S. Cliff, C.R. Goldman, A.C. Heyvaert, A.D. Jassby, S. Lindstrom and D.M. Rizzo.  2003.  An integrated watershed approach to studying ecosystem health at Lake Tahoe, CA-NV, p. 1283-1298.  In D.J. Rapport, W.L. Lasley, D.E. Rolston, N.O. Nielsen, C.O. Qualset, and A.B. Damania (eds.), Managing for Healthy Ecosystems, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.    432. Park, S.-K., M.T. Brett, E.T. Oshel and C.R. Goldman.  2003.  Seston food quality and Daphnia production efficiencies in an oligo-mesotrophic subalpine lake.  Aquatic Ecology 37:123-136.
433. Vander Zanden, M.J., S. Chandra, B.C. Allen, J.E. Reuter and C.R. Goldman.  2003.  Historical food web structure and restoration of native aquatic communities in the Lake Tahoe (CaliforniaNevada) basin. Ecosystems 6:274-288.
434. Goldman, C.R.  2003.  Strategies for lake management in an increasingly global environment, p. 177-190.  In M. Kumagai and W.F. Vincent (eds.), Freshwater Management: Global Versus Local Perspectives, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, Japan.
435. Park, S.-K., M.T. Brett, D.C. Müller-Navarra,
S.-C. Shin, A.M. Liston and C.R. Goldman.  2003.  Heterotrophic nanoflagellates and increased essential fatty acids during Microcystis decay. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 33:201-205.
436. Forman, R.T.T., D. Sperling, J.A. Bissonette, A.P. Clevenger, C.D. Cutshall, V.H. Dale, L. Fahrig, R. France, C.R. Goldman, K. Heanue, J.A. Jones, F.J. Swanson, T. Turrentine, T.C. Winter.  2003.  Road Ecology: Science and Solutions.  Island Press, Washington, DC.  481 p.
437. Meidav, J.S.E., J.E. Reuter and C.R. Goldman.  2003.  Watershed effects of prescribed fire in mixed-conifer ecosystems: a case study from the Lake Tahoe basin, p. 182-191.  In K.E.M. Galley, R.C. Klinger and H.G. Sugihara (eds.), Proceedings of Fire Conference 2000: The First National Congress on Fire Ecology, Prevention, and Management.  Misc. Publ. No. 13, Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, FL.
438. Park, S., D.C. Müller-Navarra and C.R. Goldman.  2003.  Seston essential fatty acids and carbon to phosphorus ratios as predictors for Daphnia pulex dynamics in a large reservoir, Lake Berryessa.  Hydrobiologia 505:171-178.
439. Jassby, A.D., J.E. Reuter and C.R. Goldman.  2003.  Determining long-term water quality change in the presence of climatic variability: Lake Tahoe (USA).  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 60:14521461.
440. Müller-Navarra, D.C., M.T. Brett, S.-K. Park, S. Chandra, A.P. Ballantyne, A.M. Liston, and C.R. Goldman.  2004.  Seston highly unsaturated fatty acid content as an indicator of food quality along a lake trophic gradient.  Nature 427:69-72.
441. Park, S.-K., M.T. Brett, A. Müller-Solger and C.R. Goldman.  2004.  Climatic forcing and primary productivity in a subalpine lake: interannual variability as a natural experiment.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 49:614-619.

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