The World Water and Climate Network (WWCN) was created during the 3rd World Water Forum in Kyoto Japan in 2003.
Its objective was to gather and exchange science-based information on the current and future conditions of our limited surface freshwaters contained in the lakes, wetlands and rivers of the world.
The network was an informal association of research scientists from universities and research institutes from around the world.
In August 2012 the World Water and Climate Foundation was formally incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in Canada. The corporate objectives are:
– To be a leading global research centre promoting state of the art water and climate science.
– To meet increasing threats to our vital inland water supplies through a combination of research, education and outreach.
– To establish and maintain sustainable quarters and facilities for the Corporation to further its objectives.
And as such, to pursue other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objectives.
Climate change and associated global warming in this century is now the critical environmental issue faced by humanity. The Foundation’s focus is to meet this increasing threat to our vital inland water supplies through a combination of research, education and outreach. Declining quantity and quality of global water supplies has created a world water crisis.Assisting the education and development of the next generation of young water scientists is essential to meet and mitigate this challenge.
To date the Foundation has brought together 40 of the most promising students at sessions held in conjunction with international meetings. We assist students from any country in career development by networking them into the larger global research scene while at the same time assisting their execution of research projects leading to publication in peer reviewed international journals.
The foundation also assists any governmental or non-governmental programs in helping to solve water crisis issues.